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Four engine props.

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Hi all.

I'm setting up FSUIPC and gradually working through my hanger, assigning axis and buttons to my aircraft.

One I still have to set up is my A2A B377 Stratocruiser, which of course is a four engine Prop..............I have two Saitek throttle quadrants, so six levers. I'm just curious as to whether folks have, Mixture, Prop and Throttle for engine 1 and 2 together and 3 and 4 together or maybe engine 1 and 4 together and 2 and 3 together. Would Mixture 1,2,3,4 on one axis and then throttle 1234 on separate axis and then Prop pitch 1,2,3,4 together be better?

Just interested how others here have assigned axis in their own FSUIPC when a four engined prop is involved.

Thanks for any thoughts.


David Phillips.

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Look at the controls in the cockpit, David - there is, for whatever reason, only one single prop pitch lever on the B377. Therefore it makes a lot more sense to me to assign a single prop lever and four individual throttles.

I have nine levers (three that came with the Saitek yoke, plus two TQs) and assign pitch on the first lever, then four throttles, nothing on the sixth lever at present, then spoiler (not used on the B377), flaps and gear on the final quad. For a while, the sixth lever was mixture, but there's no point because you only usually use the two auto settings and because you're not constantly leaning or enriching, there's no real point in having levers assigned for mixture on the Stratocruiser, in my opinion.

That's how I do it. Others' milage and opinions may vary! All the controls are assigned through FSUIPC.


ian P.

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I have the B-377 and dual Saitek quadrants.

I assign four axis to the throttle functions...1 for each engine. Another axis is assigned for the turbo lever.

The last axis is assigned to rpm, which applies to all 4 engines.

Before COTS I managed the Tubos with the assigned axis but now with COTS, the virtual FE takes

care of that but I keep the assignment in case I want to take full control again at some point.

I manage the mixture with switches to set the basic settings, auto rich, auto lean, etc. If I wist to

'tweak' the individual mixtures I just use the mouse to drag the levers.

I find it most useful to have one throttle for each engine as that makes taxiing much easier and

as the engines age, you will need to adjust each engines' throttle settings keep the mp's and

torque matched.


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