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Icons on non FS computer

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I used an icon "Wide FS" for my FS9 startup before lanching FSC, The icon for FSX is the same thing, only labled FSX underneath. Do I need to change the icon and/or write something in Wide Client software to FSX on my other computer? I did write "Run=C:\Program files\Aerosoft\FSC\FSC.exe" It doesn't work by the way.

Thanks Tim

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I used an icon "Wide FS" for my FS9 startup before lanching FSC, The icon for FSX is the same thing, only labled FSX underneath.

Er, sorry, I'm confused.

1. WideFS does not load FS9 or FSX

2. The WideClient icon is a globe in yellow and blue, nothing like either FS icon.

3. The actual icon used for shortcuts doesn't affect what they do, only what they look like.

Do I need to change the icon and/or write something in Wide Client software to FSX on my other computer? I did write "Run=C:\Program files\Aerosoft\FSC\FSC.exe" It doesn't work by the way.

Where are you writing that line? What does it have to do with WideClient? There's no such parameter used in Wideclient. Please check the documentation. Perhaps you mean "Run1=..."?

What do you mean "write something in Wide Client software to FSX on my other computer"? WideClient does not run on a computer running FS. And if you want it to run programs on another computer, install those programs onthat computer.



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