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Problem with 4859J and SIM1.dll

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4859j failing

System is FSX/Acceleration ( I have p3d on a different system - new fsuipc works fine there) - install and add PatchSIM1friction=yes in [general] section. Start FSX - get trusted module request - FSX load fails with error

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: fsx.exe

Application Version: 10.0.61637.0

Application Timestamp: 46fadb14

Fault Module Name: FSUIPC4.dll

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 50c070d4

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 0001c4b3

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 1033


********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.859j by Pete Dowson *********

Running inside FSX on Windows 7

Module base=68900000

User Name="victor baron"

User Addr="vgbaron@hotmail.com"

FSUIPC4 Key is provided

WideFS7 Key is provided

16 System time = 06/12/2012 17:27:28

16 FLT UNC path = "\\BLAZER\Users\Vic\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\"

16 Hook Error: can't find .37 in SIM1.dll

16 Hook Error: can't find .37 in VISUALFX.dll

47 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ...

47 FS UNC path = "F:\FSX\"

265 LogOptions=00000000 00000001

edit: sim1.dll dated 9/26/2007 4:09PM 869kb - visualfx.dll dated 9/26/2007 4:08PM 200kb



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4859j failing

Thanks for re-posting here. Makes it easier to keep track of rather than in the middle of a mixed thread in the FSX forum.

Your crash is very strange. I'm checking things through now, but I suspect I shall have to add some extra logging entries to obtain more info on what is happening, and why your FSX/Acceleration install is behaving so differently to any of mine. Can you confirm that it still occurs when you re-run FSX with the Trust established? (I never get the repeated trust question on each update because SimFlight is already down in my system as a trusted publisher).

The more particularly odd thing is this, occurring before the crash itself:

16 Hook Error: can't find .37 in SIM1.dll

16 Hook Error: can't find .37 in VISUALFX.dll

Those are relating to hooks placed in FSX, for calls from WEATHER.DLL, for weather smoothing and the like and the related code has been there for years. Can you tell me if you also see those entries with the previous working version you had installed? (If you've not got it still, please reinstall 4.853 to check. If so it definitely implies there's something very different in your installation.

I can take steps to report the crash problem and carry on normally, with just a log entry, just like those hook failures, but it would mean that the SIM1 friction patching wouldn't then be available in any case.

sim1.dll dated 9/26/2007 4:09PM 869kb - visualfx.dll dated 9/26/2007 4:08PM 200kb

Those are the same as mine.

I'll upload 4.859k with protection included and logging of success or otherwise, but I don't know what else I can log to find out why your system is behaving differently. The addresses needed are obtained after explicitly loading the modules and using the base address thus obtained with an offset. If the module could not be loaded the base address returned would be zero and then FS avoids patching. To actually crash would mean it returned success for the loading, so I don't understand.


Are you using Windows 8 BTW? Because I'm wondering if the library handles are no longer memory addresses in that system. That could explain it. I'd have to find a different way of getting a modules base address in process memory.



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prior version works fine

What, without these entries in the log?

16 Hook Error: can't find .37 in SIM1.dll

16 Hook Error: can't find .37 in VISUALFX.dll

I ask, because the recent changes for the SIM1 friction are not only unrelated to those, but occur much later in the initialisation sequence.

will try 4.859k when I get home.



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have installed ver 'K' then had a crash whilst trying to start Fsx, came up and got the start screen up ok but when I clicked on the fly button got a message to say 'can't load file'

closed fsx down . tried to restart but nothing happened except got a message to say FSX already loaded.

closed FSX.exe down in task manager and changed dll back to ver 'J' and ok again.

running FSX on xp pro sp3 fsx sp2

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What, without these entries in the log?

16 Hook Error: can't find .37 in SIM1.dll

16 Hook Error: can't find .37 in VISUALFX.dll

I ask, because the recent changes for the SIM1 friction are not only unrelated to those, but occur much later in the initialisation sequence.



I didn't bother to check the log after I restored the original - basically - FSX didn't crash. Replaced "k" again - FSX crashed.

However - I must apologize for sending you down a wild goose chase - the problem is NOT yours but is specific to something that I have done to my system, which at the moment is proprietary. Had no idea it would affect FSX.

Any others users with crashes, etc would have absolutely NO relationship to my problem.

Again. my sincere apologies - I should have caught this myself before posting.


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the problem is NOT yours but is specific to something that I have done to my system, which at the moment is proprietary. Had no idea it would affect FSX.

Any others users with crashes, etc would have absolutely NO relationship to my problem.

Okay, but please, if it is something we should be aware of, please tell us whatever details that might help in case it does afflict others,

Best regards


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have installed ver 'K' then had a crash whilst trying to start Fsx, came up and got the start screen up ok but when I clicked on the fly button got a message to say 'can't load file'

closed fsx down . tried to restart but nothing happened except got a message to say FSX already loaded.

closed FSX.exe down in task manager and changed dll back to ver 'J' and ok again.

running FSX on xp pro sp3 fsx sp2

OK now, re downloaded ver 'K' and reinstalled

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