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Can't find that version of FSUIPC!

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Hello Peter, new in town.

From AVSIM you wrote:

Okay. This is done in version 4.859i of FSUIPC, downloadable now from the Download Links subforum of my Support Forum.

I looked first in http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html and now here But just can't find version 4.859i. Where is " from the Download Links subforum."? The one up on top here is empty. I found a version 4.859m somewhere but I didn't grab it.

Confused which doesn't take much this days.


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I looked first in http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html and now here But just can't find version 4.859i. Where is " from the Download Links subforum."? The one up on top here is empty. I found a version 4.859m somewhere but I didn't grab it.

Things don't stand still. Version 4.859i was when that SIM1 frictions facility was first incorporated. Other things happen, the version 4.859j then k are released with other changes and improvements, and now we are on 4.859m as Graham said. Soon I expect it will change again. All you need to do is always use the latest.



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Thanks Peter,

The only problem is that when I go to "http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html" the version there is still 4.853 and last site udate was July 18, 2012 11:03 Romance Daylight Time. I've already have that version installed. Am I missing something? Is there some other place/site?



Edited by mabe54
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The only problem is that when I go to "http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html" the version there is still 4.853 and last site udate was July 18, 2012 11:03 Romance Daylight Time. I've already have that version installed. Am I missing something? Is there some other place/site?

4.853 is the current main Installer version, which includes all the documentation and ancillary files. The updates in between main re-installs are provided in the Download Links subforum, which you already know because you quoted it above. You even found the latest version as you confirmed when you said

I found a version 4.859m somewhere but I didn't grab it.

Why din't you "grab" it? Why are you so confused? You were pointed to the Subforum over in AVSIM! And Graham gave you a direct link just after your original post here. Why didn't you use that? I don't understand why you are missing all these pointers and helpful links!


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I didn't saved the link nor the file then, but Google did. So finally I know where the "Download Links" is. I got the file from the link above by Graham. Any ways, there is no *.ini file included with the download to address the original friction problem and reason for 4.859i. I got lost with all this jumping around links.



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I didn't saved the link nor the file then, but Google did. So finally I know where the "Download Links" is.

Download Links is one of the 4 subforums listed at the top of this Forum. You should never have any trouble seeing them. If you managed to find your way to post your messages here you must have passed them, they are right at the top!

Any ways, there is no *.ini file included with the download to address the original friction problem and reason for 4.859i. I got lost with all this jumping around links.

The INI file is NOT provided by me, it is in your FS Modules folder!!! Everyone has his own settings saved there! It would be futile for me to provide one which suited no one!

And why are you jumping around kinks anyway, when everything is presented clearly in front of you? Just look, please!


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