Menachem Posted December 16, 2012 Report Posted December 16, 2012 hi first of all i want to say that i enjoy very much to work with fsuipc it is a great tool!. and now my problem i have two bux cards. i created mocros for some toggles for pmdg 737-800 ngx and all of them work fine except one when i try to record my operate for this toggle i get this message :" this has mixed actions already pleas edit it in fsuipc.ini" i have fsuipc4 so i checked fsuipc4.ini, i deleted all the previous assignments and i dont find any problem with my ini file i attach the ini file and i wonder to get any help thanks Menachem
Pete Dowson Posted December 16, 2012 Report Posted December 16, 2012 On 12/16/2012 at 7:03 PM, Menachem said: i created mocros for some toggles for pmdg 737-800 ngx and all of them work fine except one when i try to record my operate for this toggle i get this message :" this has mixed actions already pleas edit it in fsuipc.ini" i have fsuipc4 so i checked fsuipc4.ini, i deleted all the previous assignments and i dont find any problem with my ini file The notice you get doesn't mean there's an error, only that the button has two or more assignments. That's allowed. You can have as many as you want. But then they have to be edited directly, in the INI file, because with the options dialogue you wn't be able to control which you change. Quote i attach the ini file and i wonder to get any help There was no attachment, but no worries. Just paste it into a reply here. Regards Pete
Menachem Posted December 17, 2012 Author Report Posted December 17, 2012 hi pete this toggle isn't assigned so i don't understand this message. because of this message i couldn't assign this toggle ( the fields are gray and impossible to write ) Based on what he decides that the toggle has been assigned ? i attach the INI and the macro file thanks Menachem INI.txtFetching info... macro.txtFetching info...
Pete Dowson Posted December 17, 2012 Report Posted December 17, 2012 On 12/17/2012 at 3:57 PM, Menachem said: this toggle isn't assigned so i don't understand this message. It would have been useful for you to state which button/toggle it is you have the problem with. I can't immediately see a problem with the INI, but not knowing even which device or buttonmakes it harder. Quote Based on what he decides that the toggle has been assigned ? Ah, sorry, I miread the error message. The one i referred to is "this has multiple actions ...". "Mixed actions" is a different problem. It means that on "Press" you have assigned to a Keypress and on "Release" to a control. or vice versa. This is okay, it will work, but you can't then edit it in the dialogue because that has one or the other for both press and release. you see? [LATER] Aha! Looking again through your INI, the button responsible for this is: 128=P3,26,K0,8 129=U3,26,C65546,0 which is rather odd as "K0,8" is a NULL keypress. Try deleting line 128. Regards Pete
Mario Bergeron Posted January 15, 2013 Report Posted January 15, 2013 Hi Pete, Thanks for a great software, I have the same "This has mixed actions already! Please edit in ini file." message. This is for the F1 Cessna T182T buttons 10 & 11 Elevator trim. Thanks! [General] UpdatedByVersion=4853 History=CQ1D4W0A18S1ARMAFHBWA InitDelayDevicesToo=No MouseWheelMove=No MouseWheelTrim=No MouseWheelTrimSpeed=1 JoystickTimeout=20 PollGFTQ6=Yes BlankDisplays=No FixControlAccel=No FixMachSpeedBug=No DeleteVehiclesForAES=Yes AutoScanDevices=Yes VisibilityOptions=No OneCloudLayer=No CloudTurbulence=No CloudIcing=No GenerateCirrus=No SuppressCloudTurbulence=No MaxIce=-4 MinIce=-4 UpperWindGusts=No SuppressWindTurbulence=No SuppressWindVariance=No WindTurbulence=No TurbulenceRate=1.0,5.0 TurbulenceDivisor=20,20,40,40 SuppressAllGusts=No MaxSurfaceWind=0 WindLimitLevel=200 WindDiscardLevel=400 WindAjustAltitude=No WindAjustAltitudeBy=2000 SmoothBySimTime=No WindSmoothing=No WindSmoothness=2 WindSmoothAirborneOnly=Yes PressureSmoothness=0 TemperatureSmoothness=0 DisconnTrimForAP=No ZeroElevForAPAlt=No ThrottleSyncAll=No WhiteMessages=No ShowPMcontrols=No SpoilerIncrement=512 MagicBattery=No RudderSpikeRemoval=No ElevatorSpikeRemoval=No AileronSpikeRemoval=No ReversedElevatorTrim=No ClockSync=No ClockSyncMins=5 ClearWeatherDynamics=No OwnWeatherChanges=No TimeForSelect=4 LoadFlightMenu=No LoadPlanMenu=No PauseAfterCrash=No BrakeReleaseThreshold=75 SaveDataWithFlights=No ZapSound=firework ShortAircraftNameOk=No UseProfiles=Yes EnableMouseLook=No AxesWrongRange=No TCASid=Flight TCASrange=40 AxisCalibration=No DirectAxesToCalibs=No ShowMultilineWindow=Yes SuppressSingleline=No SuppressMultilineFS=No AxisIntercepts=No DontResetAxes=No InitDelay=0 GetNearestAirports=Yes OOMcheck=Yes WeatherReadFactor=2 WeatherRewriteSeconds=1 CustomWeatherModify=No SimConnectStallTime=1 LuaRerunDelay=66 Console=No FSVersionUsed="Microsoft Flight Simulator X",10.0.61637.0 SimConnectUsed=10.0.61259.0 [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 1=CH PRO PEDALS USB 1.GUID={2B8B6BD0-3C6F-11E2-8004-444553540000} 0=CH FLIGHT SIM YOKE USB 0.GUID={3E858630-3D8C-11E2-8002-444553540000} [buttons] Buttonrepeat=20,10 1=P0,8,C65827,0 2=P0,7,K49,9 [AutoSave] Next=1 Interval=60 Files=10 SaveOnGround=No AutoSaveEnabled=No [GPSout] GPSoutEnabled=No Port=COM0 Speed=4800 Interval=2000 PosTo6Decimal=No SimModeIndicator=No Sentences= [GPSout2] GPSoutEnabled=No Port=<none set> Speed=4800 Interval=2000 PosTo6Decimal=No SimModeIndicator=No Sentences= [WideServer] WideFSenabled=Yes AdvertiseService=1 Port=8002 Port2=9002 [sounds] Path=E:\FSX\Sound\ Device1=Primary Sound Driver Device2=Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) Device3=Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio) Device4=Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio) [Profile.Cessna 172N] 1=C172 Anniversary 2=C172N Skyhawk II BLUE [buttons.Cessna 172N] 0=P0,5,C65758,0 1=P0,4,C65759,0 2=P0,0,C65564,0 3=R0,11,C65615,0 4=R0,10,C65607,0 5=P0,7,C65752,0 6=P0,8,K83,8 7=P0,9,K65,8 [Axes.Cessna 172N] 0=0X,256,D,1,0,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 3=0U,256,D,6,0,0,0 4=1X,256,D,7,0,0,0 5=1Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 6=1Z,256,D,3,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16123,-1690,128,12544 Elevator=-14173,640,1792,16128 Rudder=-12873,1920,1920,14592 Throttle=-16384,16383 Mixture=-16384,16383 LeftBrake=-10880,10402/16 RightBrake=-11776,10012/16 [Profile.CT182T] 1=CT182T Skylane 4 [Axes.CT182T] 0=0X,256,D,1,0,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 3=0U,256,D,6,0,0,0 4=0V,256,D,5,0,0,0 5=1X,256,D,7,0,0,0 6=1Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 7=1Z,256,D,3,0,0,0 [buttons.CT182T] 0=P0,8,K83,8 1=P0,0,C65564,0 2=R0,10,C65607,0 3=U0,10,K0,8 4=R0,11,C65615,0 5=U0,11,K0,8 6=R0,5,C65758,0 7=R0,4,C65759,0 8=R0,2,C66278,0 9=R0,3,C66279,0 10=P0,9,C66153,0 11=P0,7,K49,9 12=P0,6,K50,9 13=P0,1,C65752,0 [ClientNames] 1=MARIO-PC [JoystickCalibration.CT182T] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16123,-1690,128,12544 Elevator=-14173,640,1792,16128 Rudder=-13523,1792,1792,13440 Throttle=-16384,16383 Mixture=-16384,16383 LeftBrake=-9344,9362/16 RightBrake=-9344,9882/16 [Profile.C172SP Used Trainer] 1=Cessna Skyhawk 172SP Paint4 [buttons.C172SP Used Trainer] 0=P0,5,C65758,0 1=P0,4,C65759,0 2=P0,0,C65564,0 3=R0,11,C65615,0 4=R0,10,C65607,0 5=P0,7,C65752,0 6=P0,8,K83,8 7=P0,9,K65,8 8=U0,10,C65683,0 [Axes.C172SP Used Trainer] 0=0X,256,D,1,0,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 3=0U,256,D,6,0,0,0 4=1X,256,D,7,0,0,0 5=1Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 6=1Z,256,D,3,0,0,0 [Profile.F1 Cessna T182T] 1=F1_Cessna_T182T3 [buttons.F1 Cessna T182T] 0=P0,8,K83,8 1=P0,0,C65564,0 2=R0,10,C65607,0 3=U0,10,K0,8 4=R0,11,C65615,0 5=U0,11,K0,8 6=R0,5,C65758,0 7=R0,4,C65759,0 8=R0,2,C66278,0 9=R0,3,C66279,0 10=P0,9,K65,8 11=P0,7,K49,9 12=P0,6,K50,9 13=P0,1,C65752,0 [Axes.F1 Cessna T182T] 0=0X,256,D,1,0,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 3=0U,256,D,6,0,0,0 4=0V,256,D,5,0,0,0 5=1X,256,D,7,0,0,0 6=1Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 7=1Z,256,D,3,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration.F1 Cessna T182T] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-14823,-650,-650,14464 Elevator=-13783,-780,1280,15616 Rudder=-14043,1536,1792,13824 Throttle=-16123,16128 Mixture=-16384,15872 LeftBrake=-9344,9362/16 RightBrake=-9344,9882/16 PropPitch=-15473,16128
Pete Dowson Posted January 15, 2013 Report Posted January 15, 2013 On 1/15/2013 at 4:43 AM, Mario Bergeron said: Thanks for a great software, I have the same "This has mixed actions already! Please edit in ini file." message. This is for the F1 Cessna T182T buttons 10 & 11 Elevator trim. Yes, it has. That is exactly right. What is the question please? If you don't see the mised actions, look here: [buttons.CT182T] 0=P0,8,K83,8 1=P0,0,C65564,0 2=R0,10,C65607,0 3=U0,10,K0,8 4=R0,11,C65615,0 5=U0,11,K0,8 6=R0,5,C65758,0 7=R0,4,C65759,0 8=R0,2,C66278,0 9=R0,3,C66279,0 10=P0,9,C66153,0 11=P0,7,K49,9 12=P0,6,K50,9 13=P0,1,C65752,0 See? Control for Press, Keypress for Release. Definitely mixed! It is perfectly legitimate, but it makes use of the dialogue impossible, you must edit the lines in the INI instead. Pete
Andydigital Posted January 15, 2013 Report Posted January 15, 2013 @Mario, but they are Null key presses on release just like the other chap had, so delete lines 3= and 5= and you should be OK then.
Mario Bergeron Posted January 15, 2013 Report Posted January 15, 2013 Thank you both kindly, for looking at my file. Peter, my question was what do I need to correct in the .ini file to correct this mixed action message. I think you both provided the answer. Just installed this F1 T182T G1000 and had some serious freezing issues when compared to the Carenado T182T G1000. I suspected a conflict with my settings/controls. FSUIPC has been flawless, thus I never looked in the .ini file. I will make the changes as per Andydigital. Merci!
jetblst Posted January 17, 2013 Report Posted January 17, 2013 Ok, I read these posts. I tried my best at it but I cannot see what the problem is, mainly because Im not used to looking at the button codes. So I have the same message and I understand that in the dialog I assigned a push on a button and a key press for a release. It worked great when I needed it but I have been after it for a month trying to get it. The Button is Button 08 (x52) Saitek. I thought I had the line where this was taking place, and deleted it to no avail. LOL help? Here is my .ini file as well thanks a lot guys. !1=1[General] UpdatedByVersion=4703 History=LL7CF6Z507OEK1WKPRL6Z MouseWheelTrim=Yes MouseWheelTrimSpeed=1 JoystickTimeout=20 PollGFTQ6=Yes BlankDisplays=No FixControlAccel=No FixMachSpeedBug=No VisibilityOptions=No OneCloudLayer=No CloudTurbulence=No CloudIcing=No GenerateCirrus=Yes SuppressCloudTurbulence=No MaxIce=-4 MinIce=-4 UpperWindGusts=No SuppressWindTurbulence=No SuppressWindVariance=No WindTurbulence=No TurbulenceRate=1.0,5.0 TurbulenceDivisor=20,20,40,40 SuppressAllGusts=No MaxSurfaceWind=5 WindLimitLevel=200 WindDiscardLevel=400 WindAjustAltitude=No WindAjustAltitudeBy=2000 SmoothBySimTime=No WindSmoothing=Yes WindSmoothness=2 WindSmoothAirborneOnly=No PressureSmoothness=0 TemperatureSmoothness=0 DisconnTrimForAP=No ZeroElevForAPAlt=No ThrottleSyncAll=No WhiteMessages=Yes ShowPMcontrols=No SpoilerIncrement=512 MagicBattery=15 RudderSpikeRemoval=Yes ElevatorSpikeRemoval=Yes AileronSpikeRemoval=Yes ReversedElevatorTrim=No ClockSync=No ClockSyncMins=5 ClearWeatherDynamics=No OwnWeatherChanges=No TimeForSelect=4 LoadFlightMenu=Yes LoadPlanMenu=No PauseAfterCrash=No BrakeReleaseThreshold=75 SaveDataWithFlights=No ZapSound=firework ShortAircraftNameOk=No UseProfiles=No TCASid=Type TCASrange=40 AxisCalibration=No DirectAxesToCalibs=No ShowMultilineWindow=Yes SuppressSingleline=No SuppressMultilineFS=No AxisIntercepts=No DontResetAxes=No GetNearestAirports=No WeatherReadFactor=30 WeatherRewriteSeconds=1 CustomWeatherModify=No SimConnectStallTime=1 LuaRerunDelay=66 Console=No [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 0=Saitek X52 Flight Controller 0.GUID={169927E0-5B42-11E0-8005-444553540000} [buttons] Buttonrepeat=20,10 18=P0,4,C65570,0 54=P0,2,C65759,0 55=P0,3,C65758,0 66=P0,0,C66653,0 67=P0,14,C66654,0 69=R0,5,C66854,0 70=U0,5,C66653,0 81=U0,8,C65752,0 85=P0,1,C65580,0 86=U0,1,C65793,0 93=P0,12,C65774,0 94=P0,13,C65778,0 100=P0,26,C66530,0 101=R0,15,Cx42000BC0,xC0010040 102=R0,17,Cx32000BC0,x3FFF0040 103=R0,21,K187,8 104=P0,20,K65,8 105=R0,19,K189,8 106=P0,22,K83,9 107=P0,18,C66288,0 108=P0,16,C66289,0 111=P0,28,K49,8 112=P0,27,K55,8 [AutoSave] AutoSaveEnabled=No [GPSout] GPSoutEnabled=No Port=COM1 Speed=4800 Interval=2000 PosTo6Decimal=No Sentences= [GPSout2] GPSoutEnabled=No Port=<none set> Speed=4800 Interval=2000 PosTo6Decimal=No Sentences= [WideServer] WideFSenabled=Yes [sounds] Path=C:\Flight Simulator X\Sound\ Device1=Primary Sound Driver Device2=Speakers (2- C-Media USB Headphone Set ) Device3=Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device) Device4=Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device) [Keys] 2=82,8,66512,0 15=40,8,66525,0 17=38,8,66524,0 19=32,8,66530,0 20=118,8,66379,0,66239,0 21=39,8,66526,0 22=37,8,66527,0 24=186,8,66525,0 26=33,8,66524,0 27=115,8,65910,0 [Axes] 0=0X,256,D,1,0,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 3=0R,256,D,3,0,0,0 4=0U,256 5=0U,BR,-16384,-5934,x42000BC0,xC0010020 6=0U,BR,4644,16383,x31000BC0,x3FFF0020 7=0V,256 8=0V,B,14448,16383,65752,0 9=0V,B,-16384,-14061,66066,0,66065,0 10=0S,256,D,8,7,0,0 [JoystickCalibration] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16287,-401,464,16383/8 Elevator=-16383,-255,256,16383/8 Rudder=-15228,-223,289,16383/8 Throttle=-16384,16383 LeftBrake=-16383,16380/24 RightBrake=-16380,16380/24 ElevatorTrim=-16380,-5031,2193,16380/24 Spoilers=-16383,16383/8 PanHeading=-16383,-902,387,16383/8 PanPitch=-16384,-903,645,16383/24 SlopeRudder=15 [window.Radar Contact] Docked=12790, 445, 3536, 2449 Undocked=0, 0, 8, 8 [Keys.Raytheon Premier1 N3216P] 2=112,8,65907,0,1126,0 6=115,8,65910,0,1126,0 7=114,8,65909,0,1126,0 14=113,8,65908,0,1126,0 22=120,8,66657,0 23=38,8,66528,0 24=40,8,66529,0 25=37,8,66527,0 26=39,8,66526,0 27=186,8,66525,0 28=33,8,66524,0 34=119,8,65560,0 35=117,8,66239,0,66379,0 38=118,8,66240,0,66378,0 39=116,8,66389,0 [buttons.Raytheon Premier1 N3216P] 13=P0,0,C66653,0 14=P0,14,C66654,0 26=U0,28,C66524,0 [General] UpdatedByVersion=4703 History=LL5AI703Y8KEJTSINPJ42 MouseWheelTrim=Yes MouseWheelTrimSpeed=1 JoystickTimeout=20 PollGFTQ6=Yes BlankDisplays=No FixControlAccel=No FixMachSpeedBug=No VisibilityOptions=No OneCloudLayer=No CloudTurbulence=No CloudIcing=No GenerateCirrus=Yes SuppressCloudTurbulence=No MaxIce=-4 MinIce=-4 UpperWindGusts=No SuppressWindTurbulence=No SuppressWindVariance=No WindTurbulence=No TurbulenceRate=1.0,5.0 TurbulenceDivisor=20,20,40,40 SuppressAllGusts=No MaxSurfaceWind=5 WindLimitLevel=200 WindDiscardLevel=400 WindAjustAltitude=No WindAjustAltitudeBy=2000 SmoothBySimTime=No WindSmoothing=Yes WindSmoothness=2 WindSmoothAirborneOnly=No PressureSmoothness=0 TemperatureSmoothness=0 DisconnTrimForAP=No ZeroElevForAPAlt=No ThrottleSyncAll=No WhiteMessages=Yes ShowPMcontrols=No SpoilerIncrement=512 MagicBattery=15 RudderSpikeRemoval=Yes ElevatorSpikeRemoval=Yes AileronSpikeRemoval=Yes ReversedElevatorTrim=No ClockSync=No ClockSyncMins=5 ClearWeatherDynamics=No OwnWeatherChanges=No TimeForSelect=4 LoadFlightMenu=Yes LoadPlanMenu=No PauseAfterCrash=No BrakeReleaseThreshold=75 SaveDataWithFlights=No ZapSound=firework ShortAircraftNameOk=No UseProfiles=No TCASid=Type TCASrange=40 AxisCalibration=No DirectAxesToCalibs=No ShowMultilineWindow=Yes SuppressSingleline=No SuppressMultilineFS=No AxisIntercepts=No DontResetAxes=No GetNearestAirports=No WeatherReadFactor=30 WeatherRewriteSeconds=1 CustomWeatherModify=No SimConnectStallTime=1 LuaRerunDelay=66 Console=No [Axes.Raytheon Premier1 N3216P] 0=0X,256,D,1,0,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 3=0R,256,D,3,0,0,0 4=0V,256 5=0V,B,-516,16383,66064,0,66065,0 6=0V,B,-16384,-11352,65752,0,65752,0 7=0S,256,D,7,8,0,0 [Axes.T210 CENTURION BLUE CLASSIC] 0=0X,256,D,1,0,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 3=0R,256,D,3,0,0,0 4=0U,256,D,5,0,0,0 5=0V,256 6=0V,B,14448,16383,65752,0 7=0V,B,-16384,-14061,66066,0,66065,0 8=0S,256,D,8,7,0,0 [JoystickCalibration.T210 CENTURION BLUE CLASSIC] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16383,-401,464,16383/8 Elevator=-16383,-255,256,16383/8 Rudder=-15228,-223,289,16383/8 SlopeRudder=15 Throttle=-16384,16383 LeftBrake=-16383,16380/24 RightBrake=-16380,16380/24 ElevatorTrim=-16380,-5031,2193,16380/24 Spoilers=-16383,16383/8 PanHeading=-16383,-902,387,16383/8 PanPitch=-16384,-903,645,16383/24 PropPitch=-16380,16380/16 SlopeElevator=14 [Keys.T210 CENTURION BLUE CLASSIC] 1=116,8,66374,0,1126,0 [buttons.T210 CENTURION BLUE CLASSIC] 0=R0,15,Cx42000BC0,xC0010020 1=R0,17,Cx32000BC0,x3FFF0020 2=P0,8,C65751,0 3=P0,9,C66240,0 4=P0,10,C66379,0 5=P0,11,C66239,0 6=P0,12,C65560,0 7=P0,13,C66579,0
jetblst Posted January 17, 2013 Report Posted January 17, 2013 EUREKA!! I found it!!! You may not find it here because the line containing the problem was delted. The reason I thought I still had it was because I merely reloaded the aircraft. Instead of re running FSUIPC.ini which you have to completely log out of FSUIPC. It dawned on me that I needed reload FSX AND FSUIPC to see the effects of the delted line take place. Sure enough that was the cure. I now have a clear button again! Thanks guys. Time for me to hit the rack LOL!!!
Pete Dowson Posted January 17, 2013 Report Posted January 17, 2013 On 1/17/2013 at 9:32 AM, jetblst said: Here is my .ini file as well thanks a lot guys. You appear to have a lot of redundant stuff there. Please delete all the lines from the first one !1=1[General] to Console=No inclusive, so that the first line is now [JoyNames] All that stuff is being ignored in any case, but it will remain confusing should you ever need to adjust something there. Then, please update your FSUIPC. You are still using 4.703 which has not been supported now for a long long time! The earliest supported version is 4.853, and even that is soon to be replaced. On 1/17/2013 at 9:39 AM, jetblst said: The reason I thought I still had it was because I merely reloaded the aircraft. Instead of re running FSUIPC.ini which you have to completely log out of FSUIPC. No, you only need to press the "Reload" button in the Buttons tab. There are reload buttons for all assignment and calibration tabs so you can play with the INI file and test things out. You don't need to keep reloading FS. Pete
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