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For some reason you posted your support question to the User Contributions subforum. I've move it for you to the Support Forum.

It´s possible to get a FSUIPC_SDK sample for Microsoft Visual Basic 2010?

There cannot be many differences? It will surely usually be a matter of settings, not language

Note that the SDK deliberately only includes the sources, not the project folders with bad settings. If you can make a project work with MSVC Basic then you should easily be able to make the source supplied work fine?



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The Problem is Visual Basic 2010 can´t open VB6 files. And so it is a little bit difficult. But I hope I find a way to convert the files.

I recommend that you use my FSUIPC Client DLL for .NET languages. It's much more suited to the way things are usually done in .NET. The package also includes a sample project in Visual Basic.

You can download it from here:



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