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I hope you had a wonderfull holiday season. A couple of questions, I looked in the manuals and couldn't find -or- just plain missed.

1. Is there a way to force load an aircraft in FSX from an outside app if the "title=" is known?

2. Is there a way to automatically set, start/stop logging facilities from a hot key sent to console window? Very useful for finding "constant firing events while .xml programming. Just call me lazy I guess LOL! Ex.


THANK YOU so very much for the modules you make! Have to throw another one to Paul Henty for the FSUIPCCLient.dll, VB.net is the only langauge i know (so far) and it created a new hobby!



1. Is there a way to force load an aircraft in FSX from an outside app if the "title=" is known?

Not that I know of. There's a "reload aircraft" FS control you can send, but that just reloads the current aircraft. The only way I can think of doing it would be to create a flight (eg save the current flight with your own chosen name), edit the FLT file to put the name of the aircraft you want loaded in, then load that flight.

2. Is there a way to automatically set, start/stop logging facilities from a hot key sent to console window?

Not at present. It would be reasonably easy to add such, though, via an offset with bit values for each option. Not the console selection though. I could enable the rest to be manipulated in the next update to FSUIPC4 (only) if that would be useful.




Thanks Pete,

Already use the reload aircraft control :mrgreen: .. As for the bit offset for logging for me I would still have to go to the logging dialog for the console window - so - in the long run it would be your option..




As for the bit offset for logging for me I would still have to go to the logging dialog for the console window - so - in the long run it would be your option..

Sorry, i don't understand. Are you saying it is no use unless you have control of the console window too? The only reason I separated that is that it would be more work. I can't just create it and kill it so easily. The things being logged are trivial in comparison. Why would you need console logging control? Surely, if running in Windowed mode you'd leave the console on in any case. In full screen mode you can't see it in any case.




I'm sorry, I guess I meant via keyboard control select all 3 the checkboxes shown above and toggle it to start/stop.. I realize the console window is immediate once checked. I stay 2D during gauge programming using multiple monitors etc.. It's pure laziness on my part LOL! Just was wondering if it was already there and I missed it in the manuals. Anyhow the question regarding the force aircraft load was of the main priority..

Thanks again,



I'm sorry, I guess I meant via keyboard control select all 3 the checkboxes shown above and toggle it to start/stop.

Oh, a keyboard shortcut and just for those three? Hmmm. A bit specialised. If I were to implement that it would be by adding assignable FSUIPC controls, one for each logging option. Then you could make a little macro with three lines to toggle those three entries, and assign that to a keypress or button. Would that do? It would be much more flexible.




Yes, exactly.

If you think it's justifiable, worth it etc. Not just those 3, but that whole "Log Details" section for other programmers too. (Is there room for more controls? :wacko:) Otherwise disregard on my part. I was just wondering if it was there in the 1st place and maybe missed it in the documents.

Thanks again,


Proud 3.999y5 & 4.859p user & a disabled wideserver user ( other computer blowed up! :angry: )


If you think it's justifiable, worth it etc. Not just those 3, but that whole "Log Details" section for other programmers too. (Is there room for more controls? :wacko:)

It's easy enough, and loads of spare FSUIPC control numbers (I use the range below the FS controls which start at 65536).

I might include it in 4.859q over the weekend. You don't want it in FSUIPC3 I hope? I don't want to add anything new into that, only bug fixes, if needed.



I might include it in 4.859q over the weekend. You don't want it in FSUIPC3 I hope? I don't want to add anything new into that, only bug fixes, if needed.

4.859q is now available. The logging controls are these:

Additional FSUIPC-added controls are provided to manipulate Logging settings without visiting the Logging tab of the options dialogue. These controls are:

1131 Log set (parameter sets additional logging options*)

1132 Log clear (parameter clears specified logging options*)

1133 Log toggle (parameter specifies options to be changed*)

* The bits in the parameter specify the options being set/cleared/toggled.

(These are in the same order as the list in the Logging tab):

2^0 1 Weather

2^1 2 IPC Writes

2^2 4 IPC Reads

2^3 8 Buttons and Keys

2^4 16 Events (non-axis)

2^5 32 Axis events

2^6 64 Lua logging to separate files

2^7 128 Debug/Trace Lua

2^8 256 Log Extras

To clear all logging options, use "Log clear" with parameter 511.

1134 Log console on

1135 Log console off

1136 Log debug (parameter gives debug instructions, for use only under Support direction)

1137 New log file (close last and start a new one)

1138 Log test options (parameter gives test instructions, for use only under Support direction)

Note that changes made by these controls are NOT saved to the INI file unless the Logging tab is visited whilst the changes are in use.





Finally got the "q" installed and in just a few minutes got it all set up nicely for xml programming debugging ( constant firing) .. Who would of thought 3 lines of INI would help out so much.. It's the man that provides reading the ini that counts!! Thank-You so much. I hope it helps other developers and hard core FSUIPC users as well.

It works exactly as described.. Not a bug, but rather an update, if possible. When any of the controls for the new logging facilities gets started/changed etc.. and the console window is opened, focus then get's shifted to the console. Is there a way using these new controls "only?" to return focus back to ma-ma? FSUIPC/FSX? once the logging control has completed ?

I sure do like how the "X" (Close window) is now disabled on the console window... I cannot even count how many times... :mad: LOL!

Shame on you - just kidding. Now I need to learn the real depths of LUA so I can monitor L:Vars.. Once that's done FSUIPC will, and probably is already (not by me yet), the de-facto tool for any development.



P.S. - 3 lines that makes it "the bomb" , Macro-ed in keyboard, for a 1 touch look-see.




When any of the controls for the new logging facilities gets started/changed etc.. and the console window is opened, focus then get's shifted to the console.

Hmm. Not sure why that is. Possibly it occurs with the Console On contorl -- I can probably detect that and change focus back -- but the logging option changes simply set or clear bits in a flag word. I don't see how any focus change can possibly be triggered by that.

I sure do like how the "X" (Close window) is now disabled on the console window... I cannot even count how many times... :mad: LOL!

But that was changed long long ago! How long ago was your previous update?




But that was changed long long ago! How long ago was your previous update?

Was on Hiatus from FS from 8/12 - 12/12 last update was probably spring of '12 ! :cry:

Thanks again



Hmm. Not sure why that is. Possibly it occurs with the Console On control -- I can probably detect that and change focus back

Okay. Version 4.859r.

The "log console on" control now actively makes the main FS window the active foreground window.





All I can say is THANK-YOU! THANK-YOU! THANK-YOU! :grin: Using the new logging facilities has made my life so much easier. I was on hiatus for quite a few months and coming back to the project i've been working on (~1year) was difficult at first. For instance finding an L:Var that does one particular function but i had forgot the name. I would have to look though many gauges to find it and relearn it's function. Now, just click some switch or knobs etc.. While the console and the LUA L:Vars is running and VOILA! There's the name i'm looking for and can see what it's doing. Been working through the gauges fixing/reworking & getting the TODO list done like an animal! :blink:

D'Loading "R" right now :razz:

My sincere Thanks,



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