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Flaps Position

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I want to see in a Text Box the flaps position (0, 2, 5...). I call the offset like this:

Dim Flaps As Offset(Of Integer) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Integer)(&H3BF8)

And I write it in a text box like this:

Dim FlapsPosition As Double = Flaps.Value
Me.FlightLogBox.Text = FlapsPosition.ToString("F1")

But the value is incorrect.

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Offset 3BF8 only tells you how many positions are allowed for the flaps (e.g. a Cessna may have 3, a 737 will have 9).

To get the current angles in degrees, it looks like you need offsets 30F0 onwards, depending on which particular flaps you want. I think in most cases you'll just need the left inboard trailing edge flaps (30F0 and 30F4) but check the others with a few different planes to see what you get back.

All these offsets are 2 bytes, unsigned (so UShort in VB.NET) and scaled by 256. Here's an example for the left inboard trailing edge flap:

Dim Flaps As Offset(Of UShort) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of UShort)(&H30F0)

Dim FlapsPosition As Double = Flaps.Value / 256
Me.FlightLogBox.Text = FlapsPosition.ToString("F1")


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I want to see in a Text Box the flaps position (0, 2, 5...). I call the offset like this:

In FSX/P3D only, then, as Paul says -- offset 3BF8 is the number of positions available, NOT the current position. For the flaps angle, do as Paul says, but for the flaps handle position (0,1,2,3 ...) you need the one byte offset 0BFC. This is also only valid for FSX/P3D.


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