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Black screen

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Hi Peter, I wonder if you might be able to offer any advice. I have four Client P.C.'s for my home built 737-800. I have recently changed the O.S on each from Windows 2000 to Windows XP (32bit)

I use ProjectMagenta Boeing Glass Cockpit software. I have everything in place, news keys provided by PM, but here is my problem.

I have WideClient ( plus ini, in the PDF Folder of each Client (just as before). If I start the PM software it works just fine, i.e. very good bench mark, and Full ICD Acceleration, However, if I start WideClient (reading - waiting for connection)) then start the GC program, I just get a black screen. Task Manager tells me the GC is running. GC program is set to be 'on top' of any other program.

Normally I have these programs set to start automatically on boot up, and the result is the same.

I have written a similar Post to Enrico, but I just wondered if this is something you have ever encounter?

Thanks, Steven

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I have WideClient ( plus ini, in the PDF Folder of each Client (just as before). If I start the PM software it works just fine, i.e. very good bench mark, and Full ICD Acceleration, However, if I start WideClient (reading - waiting for connection)) then start the GC program, I just get a black screen. Task Manager tells me the GC is running. GC program is set to be 'on top' of any other program.

If WideClient is waiting for FS to start, as you say, then PM's PFD has nothing to display. The black screen is emulating the aircraft screen before it is powered up. All my cockpit screens are black before I switch the battery on, and for that FS must be running and the clients connected.


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Thanks Pete. In my last set up using Windows 2000, I was always able to bring up PM software without FSX running. I use a program called VNC to see Clients on my main projector screens. This has always been helpful in sizing and moving PM software. Perhaps if I start FSX, get PM software up and running, then close down FSX, I will still have PM remaining to 'play' with.

So far, I have only tested all four p.c.'s in my study, so must now cart them out to Sim room (The Tardis!!), connect up and see how things go. Will report back in a couple of days as away for weekend.


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Thanks Pete. In my last set up using Windows 2000, I was always able to bring up PM software without FSX running. I use a program called VNC to see Clients on my main projector screens. This has always been helpful in sizing and moving PM software. Perhaps if I start FSX, get PM software up and running, then close down FSX, I will still have PM remaining to 'play' with.

I think whether the PFD/ND/EICAS displays come up dark initially is set by a parameter. I've always had mine so set because when I switch on the cockpit I like it to come on "cold and dark" even before I've finished getting FSX running. I'm afraid I don't recall exactly what parameter this is. Check the PFD INI files.



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Hi Pete, I must have looked through the PFD ini a hundred times over the years, and don't recall such a parameter, but this is a good thought, and will have a hunt.

I just looked at one of my PFD.INI files. I have these settings:

/ Switches off the displays until
/ either a key is pressed or the
/ offset 0X510 is cleared
/ It can also check the Avionics
/ Flag within FS and enable the instruments
/ one after the other[/CODE]

I don't know how they default.



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Hi Pete, thanks very much for above, and will have to check it out. This Post is simply to let you know that you were quite right; the black screen was simply WideClient/GC waiting for FSX to fire up.

I have now managed to move resize instruments etc, so am pretty well ready to 'fly' Haven't flown for a couple of weeks while new OS installed etc etc on each Client, so flying withdrawal symptoms certainly creeping in!!

Many thanks once again,


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