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Hello Peter,


I've instalated the FSUIPC (new one) and the last WideFs, both are registrated.


Now i've place the both files you mentioned in the manual of WideFs in the Module map of FS.


- Wideserver.dll

- Wideserver.ini


These are the parameters of the ini file.


; PLEASE SEE the documentation for parameter details
; ==================================================


; -----------------------------------------------



But when I start FLIGHTSIM 2004, i see nothing about a Wide Fs. I've got two 22 inch screens.

Plane is a PMDG 737-700 - 2d Cockpit Only

Version of FSUIPC is 3.999z4




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I'll try to get FS 2004 running on 2 x 22 inch monitors.

I can easily move different windows applications on the 2 monitors, but how do I get the ' views ' spreads across both screens?



As already stated, WideFS is for linking FSUIPC applications on one PC to an FS running on a different PC. Nothing like what you are after.


WidevieW is also for separate PCs, but instead it links multiple working copies of FS.


If all you want is one wide view on a single PC across 2 monitors, just check your video driver and enable the mode in which the entire width of the two monitors gives you a stretched view, as one screen.


Alternatively, if your video driver doesn't support such a mode, run FS in windowed mode and stretch that window over both screens.


For difdferent views on dfferent screens, just undock the views (right-click and select undock), and drag them to where you want them.



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