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Axis assignment problem. Please help

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Hi guys,


The FSUIPC interface seems simple enough but it wont do what i'm asking it.

I fly the 737 NGX and I installed the latest version of FSUIPC (May 2013)


I purchased a new Saitek throttle quad because the old one was spiking big time on me but now i'm trying to calibrate it and here is what is happening:


my setup (3 levers)

lever 1 (left): spoilers

lever 2 (middle): Both engines

lever 3 (right): flaps


1. When moving lever 1, I don't see any movement in the numbers but FSUIPC detects it as the Y axis. Out of curiosity, I moved the middle lever and the numbers are rising and descending????


2. When moving the middle lever, it detects it as the X axis but to have some movement in the numbers, I have to move lever 1???????


3. When trying to set the flaps on the last axis it goes back to the Y axis????


Looks like FSUIPC is completely mixing everything up for some reason.

I made sure the quad, yoke and pedals where disabled in FSX. I must of lost a good 3 hours on this already and I still cant fly. It used to work great with my old quad until I got the spikes from it and had to replace it.


Can anyone help me? This is getting really frustrating.


ps: I have the registered version of FSUIPC



Chris Verner

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1. When moving lever 1, I don't see any movement in the numbers but FSUIPC detects it as the Y axis. Out of curiosity, I moved the middle lever and the numbers are rising and descending????

2. When moving the middle lever, it detects it as the X axis but to have some movement in the numbers, I have to move lever 1???????

3. When trying to set the flaps on the last axis it goes back to the Y axis????

Looks like FSUIPC is completely mixing everything up for some reason.


No, it cannot do that. What is happening is that the levers are "jittering" (i.e. sending small changes all the time, even when not moved). This seems to be a common problem with Saitek devices. All you need to do is use the "rescan" and possibly the "Ignore" facilities when the wrong one comes up, then do the assignment, then clear the ignore list and do the next one, etc. Please see the User Guide chapter on Axis Assignment -- this is all described on the second page of that chapter, about half way down. Perhaps you missed it?



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