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Assignments again!

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Hello Pete


I don't quite know what's going on in my sim with the axis assignments.


I'm trying to calibrate the Elevator, Aileron and steering tiller. All three are connected to a brand new BU0836X board and are connected firmly in the correct connector on the board.


I have the latest version of FSUIPC-z5.


In the windows calibration window the cursor for the elevator and aileron are fluid in their movement and then moving onto the tiller the blue (not sure of the correct terminology) band is not fluid in as much when

the tiller is moved this 'blue band' ' jumps'  from one side to the other. Other times the tiller calibration is ok but then the  other two axis suffer from this lack of smooth movement. I can't seem to get all three axis calibrated together.


In FSUIPC the values show -16384 to 16384 but upon moving the aileron or elevator to their extremes there is very little value change. For example starting at -16384 I move the elevator the complete travel of it's axis

and the values will change to 16384 (essentially nothing in between).


I'm not sure if I'm supposed to calibrate one axis at time, save and apply or do all three at the same time and save and apply?


Would you mind letting me know what the 512 values are in the centre boxes please? I have read the manual but can't seem to get my head around it.


Thank you for your time.




Alan W

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I'm not sure if I'm supposed to calibrate one axis at time, save and apply or do all three at the same time and save and apply?


As you wish.


Would you mind letting me know what the 512 values are in the centre boxes please?


512 ands -512 are simply the default centre zone limits. You should change them during calibration. Evidenely you've not followed any of the numbered steps to successful calibration given in the User Guide.


You don't seem to understand what calibration is all about. Please just follow the numbered steps in the user guide. It is all very simple if you just do what it says. There's absolutely nothing to "get your head around". It is merely a numerical way of setting the limts and cerntre zones of your axis travels, so that FSUIPC can map the actual values it gets from your controls to those needed by FS, and ensure that your "central" position (hands off on the yoke, feet off on the pedals, idle on the throttle) matches the same position in FS.




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Thanks Pete


I understand what I want to achieve and I do understand about calibration. When something goes wrong it is better to ask is it not?


I take your point re reading the manual which I will do tonight.


Thanks for your reply.




Alan W

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I take your point re reading the manual which I will do tonight.


Just go to the Calibration chapter. Not far down you'll find a set of steps, numbered, which lead you through calibration. By all means if you get stuck on one ask the question, but asking what the two centre values mean tells me you've not really got as far as following those steps yet.


Note that you do not need to actually care about what the numbers are, just that you need to set them all to correspond to good positions on your axes. The only really important number is the result, the "OUT" number, which is the one which controls FS.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Pete


Been working through it and getting some good results but one question with regard to the aileron (could apply to other controls)- turning left produces a smooth turn but turning right produces a 'bitty' movement.



I have tried several settings but nothing seems to help. Is this a calibration issue? If it is fair enough I'll keep going with it.


Thank you




Alan W

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Been working through it and getting some good results but one question with regard to the aileron (could apply to other controls)- turning left produces a smooth turn but turning right produces a 'bitty' movement.


As far as FS and FSUIPC is concerned there's no difference between left and right. It's just one continuum. It can't be a calibration issue if you can reach both extremes of aileron movement, so it sounds like it's your device which is faulty or dirty. Try a switch cleaning spray on the pot.




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