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Wideclient java port?


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Hi, I'm a Spanish student and I must develop some android project in a 4 months period, since I haven't any good idea and my father is a FS enthusiast and retired pilot I've decided developing a small android app which allows to have a virtual panel (no fancy gauges, just buttons and maybe simple things like radio  I have a short time period, lots of things to learn and more things to do. Panels would be designed by my father since I'm not qualified to do so).


In order to develop this app the only way is:


Android app ⟶ Network ⟶ Some Server⟶ Flight simulator.


Since WideFS does precisely:


WideClient⟶ Network ⟶ WideServer ⟶ Flight simulator


Developing a new server is extra work, probably not achievable in 4 months and most likely far from being that good.


I found java API for FSUIPC but not for WideFS and I haven't found a protocol specification for it, so I was wondering is there any java port for WideClient or protocol specification? If there isn't any WideClient java port I would accept developing one as long as I'm allowed to release it open source.


Sorry maybe I

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Developing a new server is extra work, probably not achievable in 4 months and most likely far from being that good.


There's a Lua plug-in server and client example provided in the Lua examples installed in your FSUIPC Documents subfolder. It isn't so hard to extend that as you wish.


I found java API for FSUIPC but not for WideFS


I think you misunderstand. The WideClient interface is identical to the FSUIPC one. That's the whole point of WideFS, to allow applications written for FSUIPC in any language to run over a Network too.



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There's a Lua plug-in server and client example provided in the Lua examples installed in your FSUIPC Documents subfolder. It isn't so hard to extend that as you wish.


That sounds interesting, gotta check it ^^.


I think you misunderstand. The WideClient interface is identical to the FSUIPC one. That's the whole point of WideFS, to allow applications written for FSUIPC in any language to run over a Network too.


Indeed I understood this, but although maybe I'm being lame, how do I connect it to an android device? As far I know, to use WideClient only provides a dll and never a jar or anything I could use with android. Am I mistaken?


I guess developing my own client/server is the easiest option.


Thanks Pete you've been very helpful.

Edited by jlsvc
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Indeed I understood this, but although maybe I'm being lame, how do I connect it to an android device? As far I know, to use WideClient only provides a dll and never a jar or anything I could use with android. Am I mistaken?



My reply was to this:


I found java API for FSUIPC but not for WideFS


because the Java API for FSUIPC would apply to WideClient as well, as the interface is identical.


Sorry, I missed the point that you are developing for Android. Of course there's no FSUIPC nor WideClient for Android, despite the fact that their interfaces are identical.


So, yes, you'll need to write your own client. But a server can be quickly written as a Lua plug-in as the examples show.




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