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Yoke, Joystick and Profiles

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Hello Pete,


I am using FSX and FSUIPC  4.92 .


I currently have a Saitek yoke, throttle quadrant and rudder pedals all running through FSUIPC with no profiles defined, and Enable Controllers is unchecked in FSX (although it keeps getting rechecked all the time for some reason).


I would now like to use a joystick along with the same Saitek throttle quadrant and rudder pedals for just a few particular military a/c.  AND I would like to be able to just plug in the USB joystick for those military a/c without disconnecting the yoke, and then unplug the joystick when using the yoke which is most of the time.


So to avoid conflicts between the buttons and axes on the yoke and joystick:

  1. Can I just assign the joystick buttons and axes to a profile for those few military a/c?
  2. Do I have to also overtly include the throttle quadrant and rudder pedals in the profile since I will be using them with the joystick?
  3. Do I now also need to go back and define another profile for when using the yoke even though the joystick will not be connected to the system when I use the yoke?
  4. Is there a better way altogether to do this?
  5. Since I will be using the rudder pedals with the joystick, what is the best way to disable the joystick’s twist (rudder) axis?
  6. Finally, since I will be plugging and unplugging the joystick,  should I set AutoAssignLetters=yes in FSUIPC.ini?

Hope this makes some sense,



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I would now like to use a joystick along with the same Saitek throttle quadrant and rudder pedals for just a few particular military a/c.  AND I would like to be able to just plug in the USB joystick for those military a/c without disconnecting the yoke, and then unplug the joystick when using the yoke which is most of the time.


In that case be very sure to use the faciklity in FSUIPC to have joysticks identified by letters rather than numbers, so that there's no possibility of cross-assignments. You must also disable controllers in FSX altogether because otherwise it will make automatic assignments each time it sees the newly connected joystick.


Can I just assign the joystick buttons and axes to a profile for those few military a/c?

Yes. If the yoke isn't only assigned in a Profile then the buttons on the yoke will also still apply, but not the axes. -- buttons can be general and specific, but axes, because they are always active, are only applicable where assigned.


Do I have to also overtly include the throttle quadrant and rudder pedals in the profile since I will be using them with the joystick?


The axes for those, and their calibrations, yes. You could do that by copying stuff in the INI file.


Do I now also need to go back and define another profile for when using the yoke even though the joystick will not be connected to the system when I use the yoke?


No, because axes andcalibrations for a profile exclude non-specific ones. The buttons will still apply, but won't matter if you don't use them.


Since I will be using the rudder pedals with the joystick, what is the best way to disable the joystick’s twist (rudder) axis?


Just don't assign it to anything, or find another use for it.


Finally, since I will be plugging and unplugging the joystick,  should I set AutoAssignLetters=yes in FSUIPC.ini?


If you don't mind FSUIPC assigning letters A, B, C ... by itself, that's the easiest way. But you might want letters you recognise easier, like Y for Yoke, J for Joystick, R for Rudder pedals, T for throttle. For your own letters just reproduce the joystick list and change the numbers to letters, as illustrated in the chapter on this in the User Guide. FSUIPC will automatical do all the asignment lines when it next starts.




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Hi Pete,

I think I've got things working OK, but have a couple questions:


1.  I initially found my profile (named Joystick) included the yoke, rudder and throttle axes as well as the joystick axes.  Could this of happened because I had the yoke, throttle and rudder controls plugged in while setting up the joystick profile, or becasue I said YES to the option to apply general settings to the profile (BTW, is saying YES to applying the general settings usually the right thing to do)?  Since I did want to use the rudder and throttle with the joystick, I left those axes in and just commented out the yoke's elevator and aileron axes. See part of FSUIPC.ini below.


Since Joystick is a common term used in FSUIPC.ini I'd like to rename the Profile. Can I rename my profile just by editing the name in all the profile specific places it appears in FSUIPC.ini  (e.g., Axes.Joystick to Axes.Logitech)?


Thanks Pete.



1=T-6 SP2 #0




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1.  I initially found my profile (named Joystick) included the yoke, rudder and throttle axes as well as the joystick axes.  Could this of happened because I had the yoke, throttle and rudder controls plugged in while setting up the joystick profile, or becasue I said YES to the option to apply general settings to the profile (BTW, is saying YES to applying the general settings usually the right thing to do)?


FSUIPC doesn't care what's connected -- that only matters when you start doing assignments or calibratins It's because you answered 'yes'. And it is generally useful to do that unless you really want to start afresh with the new profile, with different controls.


Since I did want to use the rudder and throttle with the joystick, I left those axes in and just commented out the yoke's elevator and aileron axes. See part of FSUIPC.ini below.


Just deleting the lines will probably be less confusing at a later time.


Since Joystick is a common term used in FSUIPC.ini I'd like to rename the Profile. Can I rename my profile just by editing the name in all the profile specific places it appears in FSUIPC.ini  (e.g., Axes.Joystick to Axes.Logitech)?


Yes, starting with the [Profile.Joystick] section itself.




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I guess because I said YES to apply the general settings to the logitech joystick profile called Logitech3D, I have the categories [buttons], [Axes] and [Joystick Calibration] showing up both in the part of FSUIPC that is not really profile specific and which came from the Saitek yoke settings, and in the logitech profile specific area (area below [Profile.Logitech3D] ). Should I delete those categories from the part above [Profile.Logitech3D]?  And if so can I just do that by just making the terms in brackets a comment, e.g., //[Axes]. or should I delete all the associated lines?

Thanks again,




EDIT:  Ignore this post, dumb questions. I lost sight of the big picture. Those other settings have to apply to a/c not listed under the logitech joystick profile,i.e like when I want to use the yoke with a C172. Sorry Pete.

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