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Assigning offsets and some questions

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I have managed to do a lot of settings with the help of the forum topics. Now I need some help with details.


1) Can I assign two actions (set offset byte) to a single button? I would like to switch on the master battery and alternator with one switch (not the toggle command).


2) I set up my flaps lever with detentions through the joystick calibration menu for the 787. Do I need to have a calibration for every aircraft? I would like to have:


notch 1 => flaps 1

notch 2 ...


notch 4 => flaps 4 (if available)



3) How can I make a conditional button assignment, e.g. if "parking_brake_set" then send command "brakes"


Any help is much appreciated!

Edited by tincan
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You will need to edit the FSUIPC4.ini file to do that I believe.


In most of my aircraft-specific setions I have multiple functions assigned to the same

button or switch. As many as 4 in some cases.


If you are unsure of the coding needed. just assign each function separately in the Buttons + Switches menu, open the

ini file and copy that entry to a temporary text file. Do the same for the other assignments, assigning the same button/switch

and noting the ini entry.


Then just copy and paste those assignments back into the ini file, changing the entry number, and you should be good to go.


Here is a section of my assignments for the A2A B-17G. Note the entries for switches 14, 16 18 and 0  Those switches

each have 3 functions when pressed. Button 2 also has multiple assignments as well.

24=B66C0=1 PD,15,CM6:7,0 ;//MESH ENG 1
25=B66C0=1 PD,17,CM6:7,2 ;//MESH ENG 2
26=B66C0=1 PD,19,CM6:8,2 ;//MESH ENG 3
27=B66C0=1 PA,1,CM6:8,0 ;//MESH ENG 4
28=B66C0=1 PA,2,CM6:5,1 ;//CLEAR STARTER 1/2
29=B66C0=1 PA,2,CM6:6,1 ;//CLEAR STARTER 3/4
30=B66C0=1 PA,2,CM6:7,1 ;//CLEAR MESH 1/2
31=B66C0=1 PA,2,CM6:8,1 ;//CLEAR MESH 3/4
32=B66C0=1 PA,2,CM6:30,0 ;//SET PRIMER SELCT TO OFF
33=B66C0=1 PA,3,CM6:31,1 ;//ACTIVATE PRIMER
34=B66C0=1 PD,14,CM6:30,1 ;//SET PRIMER SELCT TO ENG 1
35=B66C0=1 PD,16,CM6:30,2 ;//SET PRIMER SELCT TO ENG 2
36=B66C0=1 PD,18,CM6:30,3 ;//SET PRIMER SELCT TO ENG 3
37=B66C0=1 PA,0,CM6:30,4 ;//SET PRIMER SELCT TO ENG 4
38=B66C0=1 PD,14,CM6:37,1 ;//SET FIRE EXT. SWITCH TO ENG 1
39=B66C0=1 PD,16,CM6:37,2 ;//SET FIRE EXT. SWITCH TO ENG 2
40=B66C0=1 PD,18,CM6:37,3 ;//SET FIRE EXT. SWITCH TO ENG 3
41=B66C0=1 PA,0,CM6:37,4 ;//SET FIRE EXT. SWITCH TO ENG 4
42=B66C0=1 PA,2,CM6:37,0 ;//SET FIRE EXT. SWITCH TO OFF

Note that I alsom use a 'qualifier' arrangement for my assignments as I have multiple 'control sets'

that re-define the functions of all the switches based upon the value in offset 0x66C0. That is

my 'mode' number. That is one of the 'compound nutton' assignment methods.


I suggest you have a good read of the "FSUIPC4 for Advanced Users.pdf" for the other possibilities. I reffer to that

document dfrequently when setting up assignments for a new aircraft or 'enhancing' my current assignments.


Note also, that I make use of MCRO files ( the CM6:xx ) entries above to access the local variables (L:Vars) of

this aircraft for the non-standard controls.


Note also that I use the entry in the ini file below to assign letters to my controllers. This insures that my

custom coding will not be 'upset' if Windows reassigns the controller numbers due to a change to your

systems controllers, usb hubs or addition of a new controller. This prevents a LOT of headaches should

a renumbering occur!!





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Hello Paul, thank you very much for the useful tips. I will try to make those changes.


As I understand, this would answer my question #3. So if anyone can say something to the other questions, that would be great.


Well, it seems also to answer #1:


1) Can I assign two actions (set offset byte) to a single button?


i.e. edit the INI and add two lines for the same button. You can many assignments to the same button by editing the file. Or you could use macros.


2) I set up my flaps lever with detentions through the joystick calibration menu for the 787. Do I need to have a calibration for every aircraft? I would like to have:


notch 1 => flaps 1

notch 2 ...


notch 4 => flaps 4 (if available)


If you actually have a flaps lever with notches then obviously you need as many notches as appropriate for the aircraft with the most. For aircraft with less than that you'd simply not use them all. By appropriate notch calibration in FSUIPC you should cover the entire axis spread in any case, so this wouldfn't be a problem.


If you don't actually have real notches, or at least marked positions, then there's really no point in calibrating notches at all. Just move the axis to get the correct reading on the flaps indicator.



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  • 2 months later...

Hello guys, sorry for the late reply. I was sick these past weeks.
I have successfully assigned two commands to a single button. Now for my original question #3 (conditional button) I have studied the advanced user's guide and came up with this:
Objective: Toggle the landing lights only when they are currently off. (don't ask why, it's for practice only)
FSUIPC4 Offsets Status.pdf:
028C 1 Landing lights. (See also offset 0D0C).
Size 1 - I assume that's Byte, correct? So condition is B028C=0 i.e. lights are off. Why does it give me an error?

8=B028C=0,PB,2,C65751,0 ;//C66059 << ERROR 9! Line ignored >>
9=UB,2,C65751,0 ;//C66060

As to the flaps lever, it has 9 detentions and is calibrated for the 737 and works great. On other aircraft I have to skip one or two detentions where nothing happens:

Det.  737  A321  Beech
0      0    0      0
1      1    0      0
2      2    1      1
3      3    1      1
4      4    2      1
5      5    2      2
6      6    3      2
7      7    3      3
8      8    4      3

I would prefer to increase flaps with every detention. Can this be done?

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Size 1 - I assume that's Byte, correct? So condition is B028C=0 i.e. lights are off. Why does it give me an error?


8=B028C=0,PB,2,C65751,0 ;//C66059 << ERROR 9! Line ignored >>
9=UB,2,C65751,0 ;//C66060


Because there's should be a space, not a  "," between the B028C=0 and the rest, as shown in the documentation.



As to the flaps lever, it has 9 detentions and is calibrated for the 737 and works great. On other aircraft I have to skip one or two detentions where nothing happens:


I would prefer to increase flaps with every detention. Can this be done?


If you have 9 detentes and say, a Cessna with 4 flap positions, where are you going to find the missing 5 flap settings  from? You can't increase flaps beyond full flaps or decrease them below flaps up!


However, for different flap positions at different detentes for each aircraft type you can of course use profiles so you can calibrate specifically for each.



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