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Can I run two instances of FSUIPC on two computers

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I have just upgraded to three computers, two of which are running FSX in support of using WideView.  A third computer is now running Project Magenta's Boeing suite.


Sim1 is the FSX with FSUIPC server.

Sim2 is the FSX with Wideview

Sim3 is the Wideclient with Project magenta.


Can I install FSUIPC onto Sim2 Computer to run Radar Contact in conjunction with It's Your Plane programs successfully?


What I want to achieve is the cockpit sounds to come from SIM1, and all ATC sounds to come from SIM2 where my headphones are placed so as to not have Cockpit atmosphere overlap the ATC communications.






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What I want to achieve is the cockpit sounds to come from SIM1, and all ATC sounds to come from SIM2 where my headphones are placed so as to not have Cockpit atmosphere overlap the ATC communications.

Can I install FSUIPC onto Sim2 Computer to run Radar Contact in conjunction with It's Your Plane programs successfully?


Yes, you can have FSUIPC installed in any running copy of FSX.  There's really no way it knows you are also runnng it on a different PC.



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Pete, thank you for your reply.  While there wasn't any conflict running two instances of FSUIPC, I could not get Radar Contact and Its Your Plane, running on SIM2, to recognize actions performed on SIM1.  However, when I ran Radar Contact and Its your plane on SIM2 under wide client and not running FSX, everything work great.


Am I to assume correctly that I am trying to have the FSUIPC on SIM2 act like a wideclient, and it really isn't capable of doing that?




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Pete, thank you for your reply.  While there wasn't any conflict running two instances of FSUIPC, I could not get Radar Contact and Its Your Plane, running on SIM2, to recognize actions performed on SIM1.


You didn't explain you wanted to do that. Of course FSUIPC-connecting applications connect on the PC in which they are rtun. There's no Networking components in Radar Contact or Its Your Plane. They find the local FSUIPC interface and connect to it. I assumked that's what you wanted.


However, when I ran Radar Contact and Its your plane on SIM2 under wide client and not running FSX, everything work great.


Yes, because WideClient provides the same FSUIPC interface and also the needed Ntworking. That's what WideFS is for.


Am I to assume correctly that I am trying to have the FSUIPC on SIM2 act like a wideclient, and it really isn't capable of doing that?


It can't do that. FSUIPC contains WideServer, to SERVE WideClients on other PCs. The purpose of WideClient is to interface to FSUIPC on another PC. FSUIPC knows nothing of other FSUIPC's on other PCs. FSUIPC IS FSUIPC and so provides the correct FSUIPC interface to FSUIPC applications.




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Thank you Peter.  I will look into moving Radar contact and Its your plane to another computer.  I was hoping that MAYBE I could get them to work under such a configuration.


It is actually possible to run WideClient on the same PC as FSX. You have to change the ClassInstance number in the WideClient.INI file. Some programs might then connect to it correctly, others might not -- it depends on how they been written. Most would not I fear. If you wanted to try that, please go ahead and let me know. You'll have to remove FSUIPC from the FS Modules folder first, otherwise the interface that presents will clash.



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will look it up and read all about it in the morning. 


Not much more to look up than what I've already told you really! It's just the one line "ClassInstance=0" which needs changing. you just need a text editor like Notepad!


I only pointed out that it is mentioned in the documentation so you will know where to look for any more information about WideFS.



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Pete.  As you pointed out above and stipulated in the manual for widefs.ini options , I was able to get wideclient to run alongside FSX and unable to get ItsYourPlane and Radar Contact to operate due to they being ready made applications.


Radar Contact, at first, functioned well. I could call up and load the flight plans from the server but when I hit the Start Radar Contact Button; I then get the notice "IPC request contains bad data."


As for ItsYourPlane, it gives me "FSUIPC_ERR_NOTOPEN. The Connection to FUIPC is not open" right from the opening screen.


So unless you know of any other options, I will have to look into moving those applications to another computer.  I so appreciate the help you have given.  Hope you have a great weekend.




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Radar Contact, at first, functioned well. I could call up and load the flight plans from the server but when I hit the Start Radar Contact Button; I then get the notice "IPC request contains bad data."

As for ItsYourPlane, it gives me "FSUIPC_ERR_NOTOPEN. The Connection to FUIPC is not open" right from the opening screen.


Well, I can understand the IYP error -- that is because it is looking for the original ClassInstance=0 name.  But the error from RC is puzzling, as it implies it connected okay -- else it would get no data at all. Maybe it doesn't even check the connection status, I don't know. sorry.


Some developers have facilities in their programs to select the ClassInstance name specifically, but there aren't very many, I know.



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