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Multi PC IVAP on FSX

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Hi Downson,


It's "Dowson" actually, but folks call me 'Pete'.


Can I run Ivap User Interface on another PC using WIDE FS only ?


I don't think Ivap uses FSUIPC at all, though I don't know for certain. WideFS extends the FSUIPC interface to other PCs, that's all. It cannot help other applications which don't use FSUIPC for their operations.



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Hi Marco,

I've been using IvAp User Interface on the remote 'Client-PC' which also run WideFS. That's my common setup used while flying in IVAO.

(Unfortunalety I don't have much enough time recently, so mostly I fly on FSOpen multiplayer now for such a quick and short flights that doesn't require any flightprep)

So to anwer your question, YES, you can run both the IvAp UI and WideFS on the same Client-PC. But as Pete said, it's not required. However, if you have WideFS, you may optionally (but recommended) to use FSUIPC 'KeySend' facility to program one or more of your joystick buttons on your 'FS-PC' (PC that's run your FS), to act as the Teamspeak PTT button, and/or Hotkeys of certain IvAp function (TCAS window, Transponder mode, Squawk Mode etc.) on 'Client-PC.

Optionally, you may also install Input Director (Free) on both your FS-PC and Client-PC, so you can use keyboard and mouse of your 'FS-PC' as  remote-input-device of your 'Client-PC'. With this setup, you can input text msg, commands or for filling the flightplan form directly from FS-PC, without having to switch to Client-PC's keyboard/mouse.

Hope you'll find this useful.








Pete, I've just read its manual at-a-glance, IvAp uses FSUIPC in populating its TCAS table of online traffic.
Marco, you can find the detail about how to set WideFS for Teamspeak PTT on IvAp Manual.

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Dear Peter, hope you are well. I am trying to run FSX on One machine and IVAO on the other and then use a PPT on FSX to communicate with Teamspeak on the second. Widefs works as does IVAO but I have tried to follow the below from the IVAO manual and can't find some of the files it is saying a suspect things have moved on. Can you assist please. Following is the Instructions.


- I have two computers in a domestic network, both connect independently to the Internet through
a router.
- In computer #1 I run FS2004 and Netint.exe. Into the FS2004/MODULES folder I have, amongst
other files, FSUIPC.DLL, WIDESERVER.DLL and WIDESERVER.INI (both necessary for WIDEFS).
I have also a joystick connected through USB.
- In computer #2 I run WideFS to connect with computer #1, UsrInt (Ivap in remote configuration),
TeamSpeak, ActiveSky 2004, etc…….Into the WideFS folder I have a file that we´ll need leter on,


1- Open the FS and in the menu bar go to MODULES-> FSUIPC, and select the BUTTONS label.
You have to decide the button in your joystick you’ll use to talk, once you have decided that, push
that button and you’ll see in the FSUIPC Options and settings a number in the #Btn. Write down
that number, in my case it’s 7 as you can see in the following shot:
Also tick the “Select for key press” option and “Key press to repeat while held”. Then we have to
decide the KEY we’ll use in the keyboard to talk, it must be a key taken from the ASCII table, so
not every key works. In my case I found that the optimal configuration is the SROLL LOCK button.
To configure that still in the above FSUIPC Options and Settings push the first SET button and
after the SCROLL LOCK button in the #1 keyboard. Then push the second SET button and push
Now open the WIDESERVER.INI file which is located inside the FS2004\MODULES folder and
add the following to the [uSER] section, so it looks like this:
© 2004-2009 International Virtual Aviation Organisation 86
In my case it´s a 7 as you can see in the above picture, you should change that number to your
joystick button number.
Save the file and close the FS.
In computer #2:
Go to the folder where you have installed WideFS and open a file called WIDECLIENT.INI, again
find a section called [uSER] and add the following:
145 is the ASCII code assigned to the SCROLL LOCK key so do not change it, just copy and paste
those entries, G:\Teamspeak2_RC2\TeamSpeak.exe states the directory where you have installed
the TS, so you “must change that path” to fit your configuration.
Save the file.
We’ve almost finished!
The last step is to configure the TS itself, so run the TeamSpeak .Go to SETTINGS SOUND
INPUT/OUTPUT SETTINGS, in PUSH TO TALK hit the SET button and then in the #2 keyboard
push the SCROLL LOCK key. We’ve just said TS that the transmitting key will be SCROLL LOCK.
Now go to the TS SETTINGS---> OPTIONS----> and in the OTHER label tick the DISABLE DIRECT

INPUT option, this is very important, see the shot below. 

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Widefs works as does IVAO but I have tried to follow the below from the IVAO manual and can't find some of the files it is saying a suspect things have moved on.



In FSUIPC4 (for FSX), the WideServer is already included as 'built-in' facility, so you will NOT find WideServer.DLL and WideServer.INI in the module folder as they're no longer required. The WideServer setting has been merged into FSUIPC4.INI, under [WideServer] section.

To assign your joystick button as Teamspeak remote PTT using FSUIPC4, do the following steps :

  • Set your button using 'Buttons + Switched" facility page,
  • Select "KEYSEND 1-255 (WideFS)" for Button Press AND Button Release action,
  • Enter different KeySend number into each their PARAMETER box, e.g 1 for Press & 2 for Release. (These number MUST equals to the KeySendN number used in WideClient.INI inside your remote WideFS folder.)

If it has been set properly, the button settings in FSUIPC4.INI may look like this :

0=P0,7,C1006,1 ; KeySend SCRLCK PRESS 
1=U0,7,C1006,2 ; KeySend SCRLCK RELSD

* Note the button parameter value (1 & 2)


And its corresponding settings in WideClient.INI :

KeySend1=145,16  ; SCRLCK PRESS
KeySend2=145.24  ; SCRLCK RELSD

* Note the KeySendN number (1 & 2)

It's better to properly set the KeySend settings in WideClient.INI first, run WideClient.exe and then set the button in FSUIPC afterwards so you can immediately check the button setting whether or not it's working.




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Now open the WIDESERVER.INI file which is located inside the FS2004\MODULES folder and

add the following to the [uSER] section, so it looks like this:


See XCOREZ's answer, but also bear in mind that the file to edit is WideClient.INI on the Client! Nothing on the Server!!!



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I am sorry but I don't understand this comment 

  • Select "KEYSEND 1-255 (WideFS)" for Button Press AND Button Release action,


It means exactly what it says -- when assigning your button in FSUIPC, select the entry from the drop-down llst called "Keysend ...".


Have you never used FSUIPC for assigning actions to button and switches before? Best to read at least that part of the FSUIPC User Guide!



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Peter, not sure why you have to be so rude in your response. I have been a customer of yours since 2003 and as a long supporter of your product I deserve a little more respect I believe. And yes I have read the manual and I am not understanding it. I am trying to assign a Joystick key to a button then pass this to Wideclient.


I don't see a drop down in the Buttons and switches, but there is one in the Key Presses, do I need to assign in both?

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Peter, not sure why you have to be so rude in your response.


Sorry if you think it was "rude". I see nothing rude. I just state what is the case, plain and simple.


I am trying to assign a Joystick key to a button then pass this to Wideclient.


Assuming you mean a "joystick buttno" not a "joystick key to a button" (because I cannot make sense of that), then that is exactly what "KEYSEND" is all about, and it is documented in the WideFS documentation.


I don't see a drop down in the Buttons and switches, but there is one in the Key Presses, do I need to assign in both?


No. How would you for a button?


Please re-read the chapter on assigning in Buttons and Switches, because the drop downs operate exactly the same there as in keys. The only difference is that you can choose to assign keystrokes on one side or controls on the other. Assigning controls is via the drop downs in he control assignments side.


I honestly cannot imagine how you cannot see this. It's a first, really!



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