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FSX returns to desktop when using TrackIR with Emuteq GNS530 and RealityXP

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Good day folks!


Long-time simmer and flyer but now I'm getting serious about my sim setup as I'm going for my instrument rating.  I'm having some issues when using the Emuteq GNS530 with RealityXP Garmin530 along side TrackIR 5.  Some of the keys and encoders on the Garsim unit end up kicking my session back to the desktop.


When installing the Garsim unit, I pasted the new FSUIPC key mapping strokes into the RealityXP file.  This works wonderfully in just the plain ol' VC but when I use the TrackIR that is where I'm having an issue.  Looking at the FSUIPC mapping for the RealityXP gauge, it seems that they are mapped as keystrokes usually something like "Win+7."  


I can't find anything in the TrackIR utility that would cause a conflict.


Any thoughts out there?


Cheers -



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I'm having some issues when using the Emuteq GNS530 with RealityXP Garmin530 along side TrackIR 5.  Some of the keys and encoders on the Garsim unit end up kicking my session back to the desktop.


You do realise that none of those add-ons actually use FSUIPC? Evidently there's a bug in one or the other which is causing your FS to crash, but why come here with it?


When installing the Garsim unit, I pasted the new FSUIPC key mapping strokes into the RealityXP file.  This works wonderfully in just the plain ol' VC but when I use the TrackIR that is where I'm having an issue.  Looking at the FSUIPC mapping for the RealityXP gauge, it seems that they are mapped as keystrokes usually something like "Win+7."  


Why are you thinking keystrokes have anything to do with FS crashing? I'm not sure why you are providing these details.


I can't find anything in the TrackIR utility that would cause a conflict.


Do you know it is TrackIR causing the crash? Why are you suspecting a conflict rather than a bug?



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I don't think FSX crashing, it's probably minimising because of the keys used, Emutec shouldn't be using Win + 7 or any other such Win key combinations as those keys are reserved for use by the Windows operating system itself. Win +7 will actually cause your 7th from left quick launch icon program to load or minimise depending on its current state. Use Tab, CTRL and Shift and combinations there of as modifiers instead if you are stuck for modifier keys to use and don't use the ALT key either as that will cause the FSX menu to appear.

Unfortunately RealityXP only allow you to control their excellent gauges with keystrokes as mouse macros don't work and stupidly they do not support joystick devices being assigned directly either.

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Pete/Andy, thanks for the replies -


Andy -


My reason for posing the question here is that the RXP/Emuteq presets use keystroke combinations assigned if FSUIPC.  The keystroke combinations work fine when using just the RXP/Emuteq settings as assigned in FSUIPC (set up as per their instructions) however when I add TrackIR5 to the mix is where I start having issues.  


I did think it strange that they assigned Windows keys but I find it stranger that it's having issues only with the TrackIR.  


I'll check into the presets in TrackIR to see if there's some sort of conflict.  If not, I might need to write the folks over at Emuteq and see if they have any suggestions for new key mapping ideas.


I appreciate your assistance!

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