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I've made this pushback work perfectly on my registered version on my windows8.

But when i try it on an unregistered version of FSUIPC4 the aircraft does not response.

I opened up the logging window and monitored the offset 31f4 it is writing correctly i get 0x0 for start and 0x3 for stop, when i use the keyboard command for push back i get the same result in the logging window as when i do a pyuipc.write.


Again with my registered version of FSUIPC4 it works perfectly.


I am very close to submitting a new app in the app store but this "at this point" is my only hiccup.


If this is a result of the unregistered version thats ok with me but I'm just trying to clear up this issue any help would be greatly appreciated.


P.S.  I am looking for just a few people to BETA test an iPhone app for FSX or older Versions.

        and abso;mutely the authors and contributors of FSUIPC and fs2Interogate i would be more than pleased to give you a copy and compliments I can.






I've made this pushback work perfectly on my registered version on my windows8.

But when i try it on an unregistered version of FSUIPC4 the aircraft does not response.

I opened up the logging window and monitored the offset 31f4 it is writing correctly i get 0x0 for start and 0x3 for stop, when i use the keyboard command for push back i get the same result in the logging window as when i do a pyuipc.write.


Again with my registered version of FSUIPC4 it works perfectly.


Ooops! Sorry. It's been that way since 4.921g, last October. If you look at the Changes document, number 4 details new "TimeForSelect" options. They affect all controls which are designed to work with a succeeding "Select 1, 2, 3, or 4" control, and of course that includes the Pushback. The parameter options are for registered users only, but the way I coded it meant that the controls themselves were not registered with SimConnect as events in an unregistered install! What a silly mistake! I'm surprised t has taken so long to be discovered!


That is a big bug! I am fixing it now -- in 4.929c. I will advise when it is ready ...




Thanks Pete, I can't Believe i missed that in the docs.


I will download that version and try it rite now. 


I'm still kind of a newby but the sdk is great another thanks for building this software and supporting it.


The sim community loves it as far as i can tell.


Thanks Again Pete,


works great Pushback functions perfectly.


If you have an email address for the public I would love to discuss distribution "I want make sure everyone gets credit and products.


If you have an email address for the public I would love to discuss distribution "I want make sure everyone gets credit and products.


If you want a private exchange use petedowson@btconnect.com.



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