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Chronometer in FSUIPC

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I'm usinf a Clock and Chonometer in my Yoke and I would like it to work with the clock of my plane.


Where can I find in FSUIPC this commands : "Start Chronometer" - "Stop Chronometer" - "Reset" - "Clock/Chronometer/other mode..." ?


Waiting for your answer


Kind regards



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Where can I find in FSUIPC this commands : "Start Chronometer" - "Stop Chronometer" - "Reset" - "Clock/Chronometer/other mode..." ?


There aren't any. Microsoft programmed the clock as a function completely local to the gauge code.



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So I can't control the Clock of my Cessna with any key ?


Do you mean the default Cessna 172 in FSX? I can't see a way except by mouse. I tried applying FSUIPC's mouse macros to it, to no avail -- all attempts cause an "exception", meaning the MS code isn't suitable for direct calls. And there are no L:Vars used by it. So ... no way.


You might want to consider an add-on aircraft instead? But check they do what you want first.



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I wanted to use it for C172 from A2A or a Carenado Aircraft.


Well they may well have key press or control access to their buttons, or maybe Mouse Macros may work -- they do on a lot of newer add-on aircraft. But I'm afraid I cannot advise about third party aircraft. They are all different, and most of the more sophisticated ones do their own thing in most departments.


You may do better asking around in their own support forums.



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