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Reading Attitude State?

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Does anyone know if its possible to read the Attitude state (Caged or Uncaged) ?


I have tried using Offset 2F68, but it does not seem to do the job.


The only thing left is the Toggle control 66373, which does not have an off/on setting.





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Does anyone know if its possible to read the Attitude state (Caged or Uncaged) ?


I have tried using Offset 2F68, but it does not seem to do the job.


The only thing left is the Toggle control 66373, which does not have an off/on setting.


What version of FS, what aircraft?


In FSX, offset 2F68 is simply the copy of the SimConnect value called "ATTITUDE CAGE". I've no idea what that is or what the value does. To change it there is only the Toggle attitude cage control. What is it you are wanting?



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I use FSX Acceleration and this is for the Flight1 BN-2 Islander.


An item on the Shutdown checklist is to Cage the Attitude indicator.


I want this Shutdown checkliste to run automatically in a LINDA module, but I have no way of reading the state of the Attitude indicator.




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I use FSX Acceleration and this is for the Flight1 BN-2 Islander.


An item on the Shutdown checklist is to Cage the Attitude indicator.


I want this Shutdown checkliste to run automatically in a LINDA module, but I have no way of reading the state of the Attitude indicator.


If Flight1 have implemented their own Attitude Cage mechanism and not provided a way for its state to be determined, then you are out of luck. Maybe it can be read as an L:Var (local panel variable)? Have you tried logging those?


If you want me to actually check whether the built-in FSX facility is working with that offset, please tell me which default FS aircraft features one and how to enable / disable it.



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I tried to log the L:Var, but nothing came up except the FSX control.


Logging L:Vars doesn't log controls, so i guess you aren't logging L:Vars. What did you do?



The default DC-3 has a Cage button, bottom right under the Horizon indicator.


Well that works fine, with the FS control 66373 and offset 2F68 changing accordingly, as logged here where I clicked the button twice:


   114162 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66373 (0x00010345), Param= 1 (0x00000001) ATTITUDE_CAGE_BUTTON
   114193 Monitor IPC:2F68 (U32) = 1
   114193 SimRead: 2F68="ATTITUDE CAGE"
            INT32: 1 (0x00000001)
   119731 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66373 (0x00010345), Param= 1 (0x00000001) ATTITUDE_CAGE_BUTTON
   119762 Monitor IPC:2F68 (U32) = 0
   119762 SimRead: 2F68="ATTITUDE CAGE"
            INT32: 0 (0x00000000)
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Logging L:Vars doesn't log controls, so i guess you aren't logging L:Vars. What did you do?




Well that works fine, with the FS control 66373 and offset 2F68 changing accordingly, as logged here where I clicked the button twice:


   114162 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66373 (0x00010345), Param= 1 (0x00000001) ATTITUDE_CAGE_BUTTON

   114193 Monitor IPC:2F68 (U32) = 1

   114193 SimRead: 2F68="ATTITUDE CAGE"

            INT32: 1 (0x00000001)

   119731 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66373 (0x00010345), Param= 1 (0x00000001) ATTITUDE_CAGE_BUTTON

   119762 Monitor IPC:2F68 (U32) = 0

   119762 SimRead: 2F68="ATTITUDE CAGE"

            INT32: 0 (0x00000000)




Well, I used Tracker tool in the LINDA application, which logs both L:Var and Controls.

Your example from the DC-3 is exactly like the script I wrote using the Offset 2F68.

Value 0 for Off and 1 for On, but it does not work in the F1 Islander.

Maybe I should write the script first for the DC-3 to test it?



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Value 0 for Off and 1 for On, but it does not work in the F1 Islander.

Maybe I should write the script first for the DC-3 to test it?


Yes, please do. But it sounds highly likely that F1 have done their own thing for this function.



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