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Button press for flight recorder

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Sometime ago, you were kind to help when I asked how, after a flight, I press a button & it replays a recorded flight. I lost the code somehow. If I recall, it was lua coding. Can you help again? 


Sorry, I think it must have been someone else. I wouldn't know how to record a flight let alone replay one. I think there's an add-on "FSrecorder" program, but I've never used it. Certainly nothing in Lua has anything to do with flight recordings.


Searching posts from you in this Forum, the only other time you've ever talked to me was in this post:

http://forum.simflight.com/topic/75430-thanks-pete/ last October. I see nothing to you regarding flight recording.




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Thanks & sorry for that. I was sure I had got it from you. Basically, We have this simulator at our club. After a flight, we had a button that when pressed, would replay the last 30 seconds, or thereabouts, of the flight. We did not us fsrecorder, but FS9's flight playback. I was sure that I have had a lot more communications with you in the past. 

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Pete, sorry, I found what I was looking for... 

Switch for flight replay
Started by Robin MeyerowitzFeb 13 2012 10:56 AM
Dunno as to why I was registered like that, 
You replied...
No, mouse macros are macros generated to directly activate buttons or switches on an aircraft panel which normally need a mouse click to operate. They only work when the panel or gauge is written in a special way, and they have nothing to do with any other FS functions.

I'm afraid there are no control functions to do what you want apart from those involving visiting the menu entries. You could, however, use a Lua plug-in to operate that menu for you pretty smoothly. Try this (this is for FSX. Not sure if the key presses needed are the same in FS9 -- you'd need to check):

ipc.keypressplus(79,16,4) --Send ALT+O for Options menu, focus to FS
.keypressplus(82,<img src='http://forum.simflight.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_cool.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='8)' /> -- Send R to select the Replay dialogue
.keypressplus(13,8,<img src='http://forum.simflight.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_cool.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='8)' /> -- Send Enter to confirm and exit back to FS, returning focus

Save this to your FS Modules folder as, say, Playback.lua, then load up FS, go to FSUIPC's button assignments and assign your push switch to "lua playback".

You could easily extend the above to preset the numbers in the dialogue. Just more keypresses before that last one sending Enter. You'd need to send the numbers, and Tabs between each field and to get the focus back to the OK button for the Enter to work. KeyPress codes are listed in the Advanced User's guide, around page 23 or so (I'm looking at an older one).


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