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Hi Pete,


first, as this is the first time for me writing in these forums, let me start by saying thanks for your ongoing work for our community. Much appreciated.


Second, I used the search function but could't find topics related to the problem I came across.


Now, my finding is the following. I wanted to run Fiber Accelerator (FA) together with FSX using the help of FSUIPC (V 4.934 in this case). In the beginning I didn't install FA in the proposed directory but in another I freely chose.


The entry in the ini file looked like that:

Run1=CLOSE,"C:\FSX\FSX Fiber Accelerator\FSX Fiber Accelerator.exe"


When I started FSX I always got an error popup telling me, that FSX is already running. Apperently FSUIPC tried to start FSX again instead of FA.


Only after deinstalling and installing Fiber Accelerator in the default location

C:\Program Files (x86)\FSPS\FSX Fiber Accelerator\FSX Fiber Accelerator.exe

I got it working.


It's no big deal, but something seems to be wrong here. I just wanted to let you know.




  On 8/18/2014 at 12:33 PM, NovemberUniform said:

Now, my finding is the following. I wanted to run Fiber Accelerator (FA) together with FSX using the help of FSUIPC (V 4.934 in this case). In the beginning I didn't install FA in the proposed directory but in another I freely chose.


The entry in the ini file looked like that:

Run1=CLOSE,"C:\FSX\FSX Fiber Accelerator\FSX Fiber Accelerator.exe"


When I started FSX I always got an error popup telling me, that FSX is already running. Apperently FSUIPC tried to start FSX again instead of FA.


Only after deinstalling and installing Fiber Accelerator in the default location

C:\Program Files (x86)\FSPS\FSX Fiber Accelerator\FSX Fiber Accelerator.exe

I got it working.


It's no big deal, but something seems to be wrong here. I just wanted to let you know.


But unless it's a bug in Windows, there is really no way the line


Run1=CLOSE,"C:\FSX\FSX Fiber Accelerator\FSX Fiber Accelerator.exe"


could start an entirely different EXE in a different folder, unless the "" were missing. With missing "" the line would read as running "C:\FSX\FSX", with parameter "Fiber Accelerator\FSX Fiber Accelerator.exe", which would indeed try to start FSX.


Are you sure the " character you used is the standard ASCII ", the one above the 2 on a standard keyboard? If you were using WordPad or a Word processor, rather than a plain text editor like Notepad, it is possible that the quotes were those used in pairs by word processors.


Here's my [Programs] section:



RunIF2=CLOSE,HIDE,"E:\FSPS Fiber Accelerator\FSX Fiber Accelerator.exe"
RunIF6=KILL,"C:\Program Files (x86)\HiFi\ASNext_FSX\ASNext.exe"
Now if Windows was stopping at the first space, as it would have had to in your examples, then my Fiber Accelerator would not start -- it would try to run "E:\FSPS.exe" instead, and similarly my ASN would not start, as it would try "C:\Program.Exe" instead. This would certainly happen if the "" used were not recognised as such.





I used the simple notepad provided by windows 7 to edit the ini file and I don't know another way to type " than pressing SHIFT+2 buttons on my keyboard. Moreover, I would still run into problems if my " were not the correct ones, as the path to the exe still contains spaces now as it is.

I can not see where I am doing something wrong...


Anyway my problem is solved, I just wanted to let you know in case there is something that needs to be fixed.




  On 8/18/2014 at 7:22 PM, NovemberUniform said:

I used the simple notepad provided by windows 7 to edit the ini file and I don't know another way to type " than pressing SHIFT+2 buttons on my keyboard. Moreover, I would still run into problems if my " were not the correct ones, as the path to the exe still contains spaces now as it is.

I can not see where I am doing something wrong...


No, I see that. But I  have just put your exact line into my INI file (just changing C:\ into E:\ because my FSX is in E:\FSX) and ran FSX, and all I get is this error logged in the FSUIPC Log file:


    3869 FSUIPC couldn't run: "E:\FSX\FSX Fiber Accelerator\FSX Fiber Accelerator.exe" [Error=267]
Error 267 is something like path or file not found.
If your quotes were the real ones, then either your version of Windows is way different from mine (Win7 64-bit, fully updated), or there's something else rather spooky going on. Maybe some program had replaced the Fiber Accelerator.exe in that folder with a renamed FSX.EXE, though that seems very unlikely. Too late to do any checking like that now, in any case.
Anyway my problem is solved, I just wanted to let you know in case there is something that needs to be fixed.


Thanks. It seems there's nothing that can be done. If I were over with you at the time, maybe we could have gotten to the bottom of the matter.


Thanks again,




Hi Pete,


The error 267 is clear. According to your posted INI file section you have installed the fiber accelerator in E:\FSPS Fiber Accelerator\


If you now try to run it from E:\FSX\FSX Fiber Accelerator\ you will get this error, as this path really don't exist.




  On 8/19/2014 at 5:24 AM, aua668 said:

The error 267 is clear. According to your posted INI file section you have installed the fiber accelerator in E:\FSPS Fiber Accelerator\



Hi Reinhard,


I think you missed the entire point of my message. You didn't follow the thread at all? I was explaining to the OP what HE would see! I don't even have FA installed on this, my test PC!  I was merely showing him that the line he is using would never actually try to load FSX, but simply give an error message in the Log instead!






Using P3Dv2.3 and your FSUIPC4.36 I ran into a problem running programs as well. I tried 3 programs to be run, both with and without embedding in quote-marks, and the following errors were to be found in the log file:


FSUIPC couldn't run: "c:\ASNP3Dv2\ASNext.exe" [error=740]

FSUIPC couldn't run: "c:\FSC9\FSC.EXE" [Error=740]

FSUIPC couldn't run: "c:\FSX Radar Contact\RCv4\rcv4.exe" [error=740]


Any idea what might have gone wrong here?



Best regards,






  On 8/19/2014 at 4:24 PM, hvw said:

Using P3Dv2.3 and your FSUIPC4.36 I ran into a problem running programs as well. I tried 3 programs to be run, both with and without embedding in quote-marks, and the following errors were to be found in the log file:


FSUIPC couldn't run: "c:\ASNP3Dv2\ASNext.exe" [error=740]

FSUIPC couldn't run: "c:\FSC9\FSC.EXE" [Error=740]

FSUIPC couldn't run: "c:\FSX Radar Contact\RCv4\rcv4.exe" [error=740]


Any idea what might have gone wrong here?


Just Google error 740 (see below). Seems you aren't running everything at the same privilege level! Best to run everything normally. If you must use "Run as Administrator" you must run everything "as administrator"!





What Does Error 740 Mean?

If you are experiencing an error 740 message in Windows Vista or Windows 7 when trying to launch an application, it means the software was installed (or has been configured) to Run as Administrator





<Banging head against wall> I was convinced that I was running P3Dv2.3 as Administrator. Not so..... All's running fine now.




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