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Programming Switches

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Hi there


A friend of mine has recomended FSUIPC for programming switches, when looking at his version of it, there seems to be many commands missing.


In the default Cessna 172 in FSX the first switch in the lights section is Beacon On/Off (but looking through the list of available commands I could not see this command) is there an easy way to do this?


I'm doing my homework before I get too deep in this project, so i know it should all work.





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A friend of mine has recomended FSUIPC for programming switches, when looking at his version of it, there seems to be many commands missing.


In fact there are very many more controls assignable in FSUIPC than there are in FS's dialogues. You are simply not looking hard enough if you are not finding ones you expect.


In the default Cessna 172 in FSX the first switch in the lights section is Beacon On/Off (but looking through the list of available commands I could not see this command) is there an easy way to do this?


Didn't you find "Toggle beacon lights"? Just search for the word "beacon" and there it is!


The control names listed by FSUIPC are those used in FS's own assignment tables, in its files. The FS dialogues for assignments are descriptions, not names, and are different in each language. FSUIPC gets the list from FS itself (in CONTROLS.DLL), which ensures that it contains every single one, and then also adds to it. If you want to search, use the List of Controls document supplied in your FSUIPC Documents folder.


Another way to find the names is to enable Event logging in FSUIPC's Logging tab, and then using the control (by mouse or keyboard) and seeing what is logged. If you temporarily run FS in Windowed mode and enable the Console Log, you can see what happens there in real time.



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