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Question about using FSUIPC for Lat/Long data

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I'm new to FSUIPC and am not sure if it can do what I need with my app. I want to build a window showing an airport diagram and show the position of my aircraft on this map as I taxi. Can I get FSX lat/long info via FSUIPC?




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I'm new to FSUIPC and am not sure if it can do what I need with my app. I want to build a window showing an airport diagram and show the position of my aircraft on this map as I taxi. Can I get FSX lat/long info via FSUIPC?.


Yes, of course. See the Offsets list document installed into your FSUIPC Documents folder, and included in the FSUIPC SDK which you must surely have downloaded if you are interfacing to FSUIPC!



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Another newbie question Pete (I know, they are endless):


What's the development cycle process? I'm using VS 2013 Express C#. When I run my VS IDE and FSX, FSX must be hogging all the resources because my VS 2013 IDE seems to have stopped working or is extremely slow in responding my mouse/key actions. Is this the way to develop for FSX or is there another trick to this development cycle?


Just to clarify, FSUIPC has to be started under FSX? Or can I start it by itself? The reason I ask is because I'm trying to use Paul Henty's FSUIPC Client DLL and when I try to open an FSUIPC connection it fails. I'm NOT asking for support on the DLL, I'm just saying where my question came from. So, I started up SFX to get FSUIPC started but then I couldn't use my VS 2013 IDE at the same time. So, I guess I'm puzzled how all of these components (FSX, FSUIPC, VS 2013) work together for the development cycle of coding.



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FSX must be hogging all the resources because my VS 2013 IDE seems to have stopped working or is extremely slow in responding ...

THat shouldn't happen. Many folks, myself included often have several other programs running okay alongside FSX -- with FSX in Windowed mode, of course. Windows gives key and mouse priority always to the process with current focus. In that setup, FSX will be relegated to a lower priority and run slower, of course. If this isn't working maybe your PC isn't up to it. Try minimising FS, or even just pausing it.


Just to clarify, FSUIPC has to be started under FSX? Or can I start it by itself?

FSUIPC is PART of FS, it is merely a module running inside FS, not a separate program!


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My PC is a pretty powerful gaming PC with a quad core i7 CPU, 3GB dedicated video GForce card and 12GB of system ram. Should be more than enough horse power.


I did try pausing SFX and I am running FSX in windows mode. Hmmm...yes, very odd..


Maybe the screen resolution I have set for SFX VS doesn't like...I'll try another resolution.

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Worst case, play with the AffinityMask setting in FSX.CFG to prevent it from using all the cores.






I did a search on my hard drive and only found fsx.cfg in my download folder...so I'm not sure if its even being used by FSX. Anyway, I loaded that file into my editor and there is no AffinityMask in there.


I unhooked my 2nd monitor and that must have been the problem as I can now run both (FSX and VS 2013) OK but what a pain to go back to only one monitor.

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I unhooked my 2nd monitor and that must have been the problem as I can now run both (FSX and VS 2013) OK but what a pain to go back to only one monitor.


I do all my development for FS on a system with 2 monitors, and have done so for a long time (though I'm about to change over to one of those beautiful 34" ultra-wide Dell curved screens, more space than my current two monitors!). Unless you have something very odd going on with the video driver that really should not be an issue either.


And the affinity mask business shouldn't really matter in any case. When any application is in the background (i.e. not the process with the keyboard and mouse focus) then it has a lower priority in any case. Your IDE should run fine. And with a machine as powerful as yours you should be able to run several other processes at the same time with no problems. If the second monitor makes a difference, I'd first look into the video driver. Make sure it's up to date and that the multi-screen options are set correctly.



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What's the situation with my customers who will soon be using my FSX app that hooks into FSUIPC? They obviously have to down load it and install it but do they have to purchase/register it? Or can they just use the free version?


I will register regardless of what parts I use since you've put in a lot of work on this module, but from the free version I currently have, it looks like I can't do much with it vs the paid version. So, I'm wondering what will my customers see or run into between the free vs paid versions?

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What's the situation with my customers who will soon be using my FSX app that hooks into FSUIPC? They obviously have to down load it and install it but do they have to purchase/register it? Or can they just use the free version?


Users don't need to purchase FSUIPC in order to run applications which interface to it. But publishers of software which makes money out of interfacing to FSUIPC are expected to come to an agreement with me for commercial rights to use it. Freeware is free, shareware and payware normally subject to a fee unless the amount being charged to users is trivial and only made to cover costs.


There used to be a lock on application access, opened only by an application registration key which was obtained on from myself, with payment if appropriate. The administration of this got more tiresome than it was worth, as 99% of all software publishers proved reliably trustworthy and would volunteer appropriate payment in any case. So the checking was removed.


If you are planning to release a payware program which needs FSUIPC to operate, you should write to me at petedowson@btconnect.com to agree a fee or royalty arrangement, or a waiver is deemed appropriate.



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I did a search on my hard drive and only found fsx.cfg in my download folder...so I'm not sure if its even being used by FSX. Anyway, I loaded that file into my editor and there is no AffinityMask in there.


I unhooked my 2nd monitor and that must have been the problem as I can now run both (FSX and VS 2013) OK but what a pain to go back to only one monitor.


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
C:\Users\luke.POLARIS>cd \
C:\>dir /s fsx.cfg
 Volume in drive C is Windows
 Volume Serial Number is 1C6F-CFAA
 Directory of C:\Users\luke.POLARIS\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX
01/12/2015  11:10 PM            12,026 fsx.cfg
               1 File(s)         12,026 bytes
     Total Files Listed:
               1 File(s)         12,026 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  37,131,309,056 bytes free
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