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macro/black screen

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i have fsx acceleration gold edition, latest fsuipc 4 , win7 and GeForce GTX 660.

Im trying to make a mouse macro on my AW109 from nemeth designs, for the autopilot, to use my Goflight RP-48 module.

when opening Fsuipc in fsx, the fsx screen turns black, also tried windowed mode.  watched a youtube tutorial on the subject and his screen had the fsx screen in the background. 

fsuipc4 is registered payware.


any suggestions?




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i have fsx acceleration gold edition, latest fsuipc 4 , win7 and GeForce GTX 660.

Im trying to make a mouse macro on my AW109 from nemeth designs, for the autopilot, to use my Goflight RP-48 module.

when opening Fsuipc in fsx, the fsx screen turns black, also tried windowed mode.  watched a youtube tutorial on the subject and his screen had the fsx screen in the background. 


The FSX screen always turns black when SimConnect is asked to put FSX into dialog mode. FSUIPC has to do that to use a modal dialogue. It is supposed to work that way!



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Hmm, ok. But when i press mouse macro, how do i go backnto the fsx screen to make the mouse macro


You only use the dialogue to start macro making. It lets you specify the macro filename, then you OK out, make all of the macros you want in that file, then go back into the dialogue and select end mouse macro to confirm and finish the file.


, tried to press ok, do the mouse macro and then back to fsuipc to finish the process, no luck


What does "no luck" mean? You need to actually describe what happens. "No luck" means nothing useful.



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yeah sorry about that short reply. i will now walk you through what i do.


-opening FSX in admin-mode and selecting aw109 from nemeth designs.


-Key presses - profile specific -create mouse macro

-creating macro file name - "autopilot"

-pressing "ok" in the fsuipc

then i press the button i want to make a mouse macro on in the cockpit (this time, the autopilot/standby button), and according to the description a small screen is supposed to appear, am i correct? I also tried this in Aw101 aircraft, and other buttons.

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then i press the button i want to make a mouse macro on in the cockpit (this time, the autopilot/standby button), and according to the description a small screen is supposed to appear, am i correct? I also tried this in Aw101 aircraft, and other buttons.


If that small screen, as illustrated in the documentation, doesn't appear, it simply means that the gauge or whatever which handles that button or switch is not amenable to mouse macros.


For a mouse macro to be possible at all, the aircraft gauges must be written in C/C++ using the standard Microsoft panels and gauges SDK. Very few add-on aircraft are written this way these days. It used to be pretty standard in FS2002/FS2004 days, but even then Microsoft itself didn't use it in the default aircraft except in a few instances.



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