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Conflict, continuous input passed to FSX

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Dear all,


Im puzzled by this conflict that keeps happening nonstop with FSX & PMDG 777.



These keeps popping up in the log continuously but so far I have not been able to determine which causes this. These happen even without me pressing any joystick button etc. I have disabled most of the keys from FSX controls, I still have few assigned but none regarding rotor brake or nav2 radio.


Would anyone be so kind and try to point me at least to the right direction, where to look. I have registered version of FSUIPC.







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Im puzzled by this conflict that keeps happening nonstop with FSX & PMDG 777.



These keeps popping up in the log continuously but so far I have not been able to determine which causes this. These happen even without me pressing any joystick button etc.


Why do you say it is a "conflict"? Why are you logging events in any case?


Many add-on aircraft, especially those by PMDG, use FS contorls internally and keep sending them. I've never been sure why, but it happens with many of them. They must have their reasons. 


If you are wanting to use the FSUIPC event logging for something and don't want the events you are looking for obscured by this horrible add-on action, you can use the "DontLogThese" parameter in the FSUIPC INI file -- please see the description of this parameter on about page 11 of the FSUIPC4 Advanced Users document.



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