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CH Throttle Quad Problem

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I have a number of addon planes,PMDG,Majestic Software, etc.

I had my controller unchecked in fsx as I have all configured with fsuipc, everything going well...until.

I purchased the flight1 kingair.

I was having problems with the throttles so I reverted back to fsx control but still could not get them working so I parked this plane for now.

I unchecked controller in fsx but have new problems.

Only 4 lever out of 6 are working correctly on my CH throttle quad.

These 2 levers when pushed slightly forward in fsuipc axis  and calibration jump from the lowest minus number to the highest + number,

therefore causing the fsx plane lever to jump from idle to maximum.

I tried deleting the fsuipc.ini and no improvement.

I recalibrated using the ch control manager and they seem to be fine.

Would appreciate some help.



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Only 4 lever out of 6 are working correctly on my CH throttle quad.

These 2 levers when pushed slightly forward in fsuipc axis  and calibration jump from the lowest minus number to the highest + number,


That's usually a result of those axes being deined in Windows as "digital" (i.e. on/off) rather than analogue. You'd probably need to uninstall ad reinstall. Otherwise it's a Registry editing job. There's a website called CH-HANGAR which will help.


I recalibrated using the ch control manager and they seem to be fine.


Er, I'm not sure CH's control manager is compatible with FSUIPC. From what I've heard you want to use one or the other.


Anyway, if they are now fine, what is the remaining problem?




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