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Hi Pete,

I intend to purchase AI traffic software and run it on my client computer and connect it with my FSX computer (Server). Are you aware of any software that will be network compatible and run either via widefs or simconnect? None of the programs I have seen so far (i.e. MyTraffic or Ultimate Traffic) seem to be network compatible - at least the description doesn't mention so.


Kind regards


Robert van Veen



I intend to purchase AI traffic software and run it on my client computer and connect it with my FSX computer (Server). Are you aware of any software that will be network compatible and run either via widefs or simconnect? None of the programs I have seen so far (i.e. MyTraffic or Ultimate Traffic) seem to be network compatible - at least the description doesn't mention so.


I think you misunderstand the technology. ALL traffic programs except UT2 merely work by replacing the default FS traffic file with their own (or several, not just one).files.


Once the traffic BGL files are compiled and accepted by the next FS load (you can't change things whilst FS is running), they operate in the same way as any other "scenery" BGL. It's just that the instructions they contain tells FS which aircraft and what route, instead of, for example, what building and where to put it. There's no programming outside of FS for this.


UT2 is the only one I know of which operates differently. Its EXE program operates as a process outside of FS and injects the traffic using SimConnect facilities to do so. the aircraft it uses must be installed beforehand into FS, but otherwise I would have though the injector would run on a Network. (Though I can't really see any reason to run it so, being a separate process).


There are other programs which do this traffic injection, but they are not purely traffic add-ons --for example: VoxATC which I think adds traffic because it doasn't like working with traffic it cannot control, and On-Line ATC programs for VATSIM and the others which inject traffic representing the other fliers logged into the same service.


Hope this helps,



Thanks for the detailed answer. You are right, I now understand how AI traffic works. I am just trying to keep my server free from software which could have a negative impact on FSX performance. This already works great with PFPX+TOPCAT and Active Sky nicely running on my client pc. The injection principle sounds interesting, however I gues it would only help when just a limited number of AI aircraft are injected (i.e. only the planes that are within a radius of 100miles?) and not the whole database at once. I heard a lot about VoxAtc which I may now try out.


Thanks anyway for your support




The injection principle sounds interesting, however I gues it would only help when just a limited number of AI aircraft are injected (i.e. only the planes that are within a radius of 100miles?) and not the whole database at once.


AI are only created within the current "reality bubble" in any case, whether by file or injection. That's something like 80km. Traffic due in from firther afiend only pop into existence when near enough. the graphics won't be drawn till they are a lot nearer in any case -- 10 miles or so I think.


I use Mytraffic6, which gives me the greatest variety of realistic AI at all the airports I use, even if they don't abide by real timetables and routes (they fly direct departure to destination, UT2 provides routes via airways etc. But UT2 is getting very much out of date now).


MyTraffic can provide a higher traffic load than default AI for the same performance. With FSX-SE I am able to run 100% traffic setting even at dense airports like Aerosoft Heathrow.



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