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Axis change function button state?

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I hope you can help me, I'm refereeing to an old post from 2011 from this link : http://forum.simflight.com/topic/70239-can-an-axis-change-its-function-depending-on-a-button-state/ .


 At the moment I'm running Fsuipc 4.943 on P3d version 2.5. I recently installed Majestic Dash8 q400 on P3d I was wondering if what was done with reference from the previous post can be achieved with Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog controller.I have a 3 stage button toggle switch on my TSHW currently not being used which I want to assign for Axis change function button state use in conjunction with INCR and DECR lever on my Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog controller.


So far I managed to follow the instructions I have pasted below what Pete posted from the previous post up to the text highlighted in red were I got stuck:


Pete Wrote Quoted words in blue:


"Actually, I may not need to. I thought of a very simple way to do this sort of thing, very flexibly. First, make sure your FSUIPC installation is up to date -- latest versions are supplied in the Download Links subforum.

Then save the following as, say, "multiaxis.lua" in your FS Modules folder:

function applyaxis(val)
cntrl = ipc.readUD(0x66c0)

and edit the FSUIPC INI file, adding this section:

1=Lua multiaxis

(if you already have an [Auto] section, add the line with the next available number).

Now run FS. Go to FSUIPC axis assignments and assign the axis you want to switch as an "FS control", choosing this one from the drop-down list:

Luavalue multiaxis

Then go to the Buttons assignments and assign the buttons you want to use for selecting the axis use, on the right-hand side, as follows:

Offset dword set, with Offsetx66c0 and the 
Parameter set to the value of the FS or FSUIPC control you want the axis to send.

The controls are listed in a List installed in your FSUIPC Documents folder, in the Modules folder. You can use any control, but obviously only axis controls make much sense. Those are all either named "Axis ..." or end in "set". There are more controls, added by FSUIPC, and listed in the FSUIPC Advanced User's guide. BUT the ones you really want, for the purposes you chose, are currently only published in the "Changes" document included with the recent FSUIPC updates (see Download Links). They are numbered 64101 to 64144, and the ones you want are:

64136 steering tiller
64123 flaps
64122 spoilers/speed brakes

Once you've done all this, exit to FS, select a mode using the buttons/switches you assigned above, then go into FSUIPC joystick calibrations and calibrate the axis for that selection. You'll need to exit to change the mode to calibrate each separately -- FSUIPC doesn't obey the button presses when in the options (for pretty obvious reasons).

Note that this technique is extensible for any number of different uses for the same axis and, by using different offsets (66C4 is the next -- the range 66C0 to 66FF is free for users, giving 16 possible DWORDs to use) and renamed versions of "multiaxis.lua", can be applied to any and all axes.

I've tested all this with FSUIPC 4.754 and FSX. Have fun!




I only got stuck from the point of Parameter field highlighted in red above I didn't know what to put in I am completely new to LUA programming. 


I hope you can help ,thank you.





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I only got stuck from the point of Parameter field highlighted in red above I didn't know what to put in I am completely new to LUA programming. 


All the FS controls are listed in a document in your FSUIPC Documents folder called something like "List of FSX controls". It lists them by name and number. Just use the number for the one you want.



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