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FSUIPC 3.08 and PSS A330 A340 ?

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Hello Pete !

I have a register version of FSUIPC 3.08

and i recently add the A330 and A340 from PSS to my collection.

When i use the Bus on long haul it seems to randomly

crash FS9 ! I post on the PSS forum about it and waiting for

a replyI would like your opinion on this one !

Do you think it is possible that FSUIPC 3.08

crash FS9 when using the new PSS Airbus ?

Im in the dark with this problem so

any advise from you would be very apreciated !

Many thanks !

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Do you think it is possible that FSUIPC 3.08

crash FS9 when using the new PSS Airbus ?

Not specifically FSUIPC, no. As far as any aircraft panel is concerned, FSUIPC is just an interface into FS. And it is extremely unlikely that any aircraft will be using FSUIPC any more furiusly than many other applications which work well, like Project Magenta.

Of course, any program can crash FS by writing wrong things to wrong places through FSUIPC's interface, but I think that is unlikely too. You need to remember, though, than an aircraft panel, especially one as complex as these, has lots of code of its own running inside FS. Why would you think the probably rather small and trivial use it may make of FSUIPC would be more likely to be responsible for your crashes than the huge amount of its own code?



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Why would you think the probably rather small and trivial use it may make of FSUIPC would be more likely to be responsible for your crashes than the huge amount of its own code?

Thanks for your reply !

I really dont know Pete... Im not an expert im just trying

to understand why it crash (FS9) only with the PSS new Airbus !?!

I have other addon aircraft like the PMDG 737 and this is not happening

with thoseonly the new Bus ! It also looks like we are but a few

with this problem and PSS are rather kind of busy with all the trouble

they have with the new released.

Thanks again for your reply !

I'll wait for PSS to reply about this.

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I have other addon aircraft like the PMDG 737 and this is not happening

with thoseonly the new Bus ! It also looks like we are but a few

with this problem and PSS are rather kind of busy with all the trouble

they have with the new released.

Well, I just looked at the FS2004 Forum here, and there's a thread there about crashes with the new PSS aircraft. It may be more common than you suspect, so no doubt PSS will fix it soon enough. Let's hope so!

Naturally, if they have any trouble with FSUIPC I will help them if needs be, but I've not heard anything from them. I really would be more likely to suspect their complex new code.



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Ok now my problem,

my fs crashed, too. I become a black screen and than i cant do anything under win xp. But its not the airbus... I've that problem before i install the airbus. If i run FSmeteo and i crash my plane often and fs9 must reload the scenery, my fs9 crash anytime at this procedure and i can't close it, i cant do anything! If running drwatson to locate that problem, but i cant choose it after my fs9 crash. I cant click with right on my mouse, i cant start any programms and i cant close any programms. The only one i can do is with alt and tab to change between fs9 and meteo, Drwatson sounds with bing. I here some sounds more on my crash! First sound ins bing than i think 3 time oder 2 blem blem... sorry for that, but i dont know to explain it. Ok, ive hear about a person who running ActiveSky and still have the same problem. So i think fsuipc is that problem. If i doesnt run fsmeteo, all thing is allright.

I hope you can help me with my problem. :(

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So i think fsuipc is that problem. If i doesnt run fsmeteo, all thing is allright.

The black screen problem is happening mainly when you change screen modes, right? Windowed to full screen, usually, or minimised to full screen, et cetera? Or possibly views?

This has been discussed to death already in many threads here and elsewhere, and is mentioned in my Important announcement at the top of the forum. So far all the evidence points to a DirectX9 problem, and it occurs with other programs as well as FS2004. Please check out all the other threads here and elsewhere on this, and also these references:

Games: The Screen Turns Black http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;813712

Black Screen When You Run a DirectX-Based Program http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;184541

Games: How to Troubleshoot Display Issues http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;263039

I have proven it isn't FSUIPC as I can make it happen quite easily with no FSUIPC installed and just one add-in -- Lago's ViMaCore2004.dll, which I have for their Venice scenery.

Unfortunately, FSUIPC gets blamed first for everything wrong. :cry:



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Hey Pete, no panic. :) I look for MS and no, i dont change my screenmode! I talk about if i crash and fs load all in to it with scenery, fs crashed... or i can fly but i cant do anything in windows xp. :S thats my problem. You mean directX ok i check it thanks for your help. And sorry. But my fs crashed not when i didnt run fsmeteo... it happens only when i run fsmeteo... cause that is what i think that the fault comes with fsuipc oder meteo. :( I look to this and tell you about what happen next.

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But my fs crashed not when i didnt run fsmeteo... it happens only when i run fsmeteo... cause that is what i think that the fault comes with fsuipc oder meteo.

But there are lots of people using FSMeteo, inlcuding myself, who don't get crashes. I really don't think it is either FSMeteo or FSUIPC. It is almost certainly related to the graphics system.

When you don't run FSMeteo for your weather, what do you run. What weather are you using? For some reasonable comparison you will need to run with FS's own dowloaded real weather. Do you do this?


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Just to add some more infos...

Using FSmeteo or not, still crash FS9 when using the new Bus !

Using only FS9 meteo crash with the new Bus again !

For me... FS9 is only crashing when i use the A330 or A340 !

FS9 never crash when using all the meteo setting above + other addon

aircrafts (PMDG 737)

So i also think it's not related to FSUIPC or FSMeteo

im almost sure it is PSS new airbus !!!

I emailed them twice but they are not responding :roll:

I will email them again and will try to be more specific and

see if they reply !

I'll keep you guys informed :wink:

PS: Thanks PeteI will also checked the links in you post

for any hints !

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Ok i try to load onlineweather from FS9. Yesterday my FS9 crashed without black screen... But i cant click anything. I can fly and i cant do anything in windows... *g* oh my god thats a bad fault... :) I try it with online weather of fs9 and we will look what happens.

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