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PFC Serial Devices & P3D Will they work together V2 or V3

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Can anyone tell me "Peter" if the PFCFSX.dll will work with P3D?  If the answer is yes, where is the .dll file placed as P3D doesn't have a modules folder.


Also, is there a configuration file showing that it is working and being able to select the appropriate Com Port?


Thank you


Derek Clarke

Flight Simulators UK

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Can anyone tell me "Peter" if the PFCFSX.dll will work with P3D?


Yes. It is independent of the Sim in use, it is entirely dependent upon FSUIPC.


  If the answer is yes, where is the .dll file placed as P3D doesn't have a modules folder.



Neither did FSX have a Modules folder. you must install FSUIPC first. That creates the Modules folder!


Did you not bother to read any of the PFC  DLL User Guide? It is very explicit there, that you must install FSUIPC4 first!


Also, is there a configuration file showing that it is working and being able to select the appropriate Com Port?
You do that inside the sim after installation!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read at least some of the User Guide! :sad:
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