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Prepar3D v3 not closing down fully.

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Hi Peter,

I thought it best to pick up this topic from the P3D forum here.


As I had stated, on closing P3D v3, in Task manager Prepar3D.exe is still running with the message "One or more threads of Prepar3D.exe are waiting to finish I/O"

Additional launches leave additional copies running!.


If I remove FSUIPC.dll this does not happen and it closes fully.

I've tried deleting the whole contents of Modules (apart from .ini and .key) and reinstalling FSUIPC. Same effect.


I've looked at the DLL.xml file and deleted what I had added - Traffic Toolbox - but no change still.

I have ASN installed on another pc and have only added the QW BAE 146 to v3 and PrecipitFX


Do you have any further thoughts please?




(A registered FSUIPC user from the very start!)

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As I had stated, on closing P3D v3, in Task manager Prepar3D.exe is still running with the message "One or more threads of Prepar3D.exe are waiting to finish I/O"

Additional launches leave additional copies running!.


If I remove FSUIPC.dll this does not happen and it closes fully.


With FSUIPC running there will normally be quite a few seconds after P3D's Windows closes before the process finally ends. How long do you wait before restarting?


I know of nothing in FSUIPC which will not terminate when SimConnect sends it the closing signal. There is a bug in P3D which is still not fixed where it can CRASH on exit if I let FSUIPC call the SimConnect_Close function whilst it is closing down. This is known to happen with several other Simconnect-using internal addons too, not just FSUIPC. I have made the SimConnect_Close optional and it is currently defaulted off. Not a tidy thing to do, but it stops the crash.


However, there are no other reports of P3D hanging on exit, and in fact never has been. The crash initially appears to be a hang because it takes Windows a long time before it gets reported.




Before starting P3D please add the following to the [General] section of FSUIPC4.INI:





Then run P3D. When you've closed it down, show me a complete FSUIPC4.LOG, but please wait at least 30 seconds after closing P3D before doing anything.


The logging added by this will show the steps FSUIPC has taken to tidy everything up whilst closing. If it is hanging at all this will show where.




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Hi Peter,

Well I've done that and, of course, the problem is not now happening. I've re-booted and still all is ok. I've added Traffic Tools back in and it's still fine.


I should stress that previously, although the sim appeared to close correctly, the exe was persisting permanently (not just 30secs). Even added instances hung around too,


So thank you for your forbearance!

I shall of course leave the logging on for the time being




The log was as below:

********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.946 by Pete Dowson *********
Reading options from "D:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini"
Running inside Prepar3D v3 on Windows 8.0
Module base=64480000
User Name="chris allen"
User Addr="chris-allen@dsl.pipex.com"
FSUIPC4 Key is provided
WideFS7 Key is provided
      266 System time = 06/10/2015 14:39:52
      282 FLT UNC path = "\\CHRIS-PC\Users\Chris\Documents\Prepar3D v3 Files\"
      282 Trying D:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Modules\SimConnectP3D2.dll
      282 Found it: trying to connect
      297 FS UNC path = "\\CHRIS-PC\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\"
      563 LogOptions=00000000 00000051
      563 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      563 ------ Setting the hooks and direct calls into the simulator ------
      563 --- CONTROLS timer memory location obtained ok
      563 --- SIM1 Frictions access gained
      563 ASN active function link set
      563 --- FS Controls Table located ok
      563 --- Installed Mouse Macro hooks ok.
      563 Wind smoothing may be by ASN, not FSUIPC, if it is running
      563 Will switch smoothing action when ASN starts/stops
      563 --- All links checked okay
      563 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      563 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay
      563 Trying to use SimConnect Prepar3D
     3532 Running in "Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v3", Version: (SimConnect:
     3532 Initialising SimConnect data requests now
     3532 FSUIPC Menu entry added
     3547 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=N, In Menu=Y, In Dlg=Y
     3547 \\CHRIS-PC\Users\Chris\Documents\Prepar3D v3 Files\Mooney EGNM.fxml
     3547 \\CHRIS-PC\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\SimObjects\Airplanes\Mooney_Acclaim\Mooney_Acclaim.air
     3688 Memory in use: 721Mb, Avail=3375Mb
    23750 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=N, In Menu=N, In Dlg=N
    24375 System time = 06/10/2015 14:40:16, Simulator time = 14:39:56 (13:39Z)
    24375 Aircraft="Mooney Acclaim With G1000"
    25375 Starting everything now ...
    25407 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=Y, In Menu=N, In Dlg=N
    26703 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled
    33703 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=Y, In Menu=Y, In Dlg=Y
    37157 Deactivated for PID=3756, "explorer.exe"
    37157 Lost focus to PID=3756, "explorer.exe"
    38360 === DLLStop called ...
    38360 === About to kill my timers ...
    38563 === Restoring window procs ...
    38563 === Unloading libraries ...
    38563 === stopping other threads ...
    41172 === NOTE: not calling SimConnect_Close ...
    41172 === AI slots deleted!
    41172 === Freeing button memory ...
    41172 === Closing my Windows ...
    41172 === Freeing FS libraries ...
    42172 === Closing devices ...
    42172 === Closing the Log ... Bye Bye! ...
    42172 System time = 06/10/2015 14:40:34, Simulator time = 14:40:05 (13:40Z)
    42172 *** FSUIPC log file being closed
Minimum frame rate was 47.6 fps, Maximum was 50.7 fps
Minimum available memory recorded was 32768Mb
Average frame rate for running time of 10 secs = 46.1 fps
Memory managed: 8 Allocs, 8 Freed
********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

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Well I've done that and, of course, the problem is not now happening. I've re-booted and still all is ok. I've added Traffic Tools back in and it's still fine.


Sounds like some sort of timing conflict with another add-on -- possibly ASN? You ARE using a P3D version 3 compatible version of ASN I hope?.


This sequence at the end shows a full close down of everything in FSUIPC:


    38360 === DLLStop called ...

    38360 === About to kill my timers ...

    38563 === Restoring window procs ...

    38563 === Unloading libraries ...

    38563 === stopping other threads ...

    41172 === NOTE: not calling SimConnect_Close ...

    41172 === AI slots deleted!

    41172 === Freeing button memory ...

    41172 === Closing my Windows ...

    41172 === Freeing FS libraries ...

    42172 === Closing devices ...

    42172 === Closing the Log ... Bye Bye! ..


Where P3D sometimes crashes (though I suppose it might hang in other circumstances) is where is says now "not calling SimConnect_Close" -- that's why I don't call it at present, though it can be re-enabled by parameter.



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