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Compass of course in P3Dv3

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Hello Pete,


The following script I had in P3Dv2 to drive the stepper motor from my hardware compass and it worked perfectly :



Var 0406 Link USB_STEPPER Output 3 PosL 6 PosC 0 PosR 5 Type H


Var 0407 Link FSUIPC_IN Offset $02CC Length 8 Numbers 1 // FSimulator Compass


 L0 =  V0407 * 10
  V0406 = L0  // send degrees to stepper motor




In P3Dv3 the compass is of coarse :


North                   ( 360 (0)  degrees in Fs                   =  110 degrees on the Compass )

East                     ( 090 degrees in Fs                         =  200 degrees on the Compass )

South                   ( 180 degrees in Fs                         =  290 degrees on the Compass )

West                    ( 270 degrees in Fs                         =  025 degrees on the Compass )



What I would like to know what the values for the Compass are :


Eg :  360 degrees = 360 or 3600 or 36000 or another value..



Then I can start adding a value in the script to calibrate the compass.


Thanks in advance,


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The following script I had in P3Dv2 to drive the stepper motor from my hardware compass and it worked perfectly :


In P3Dv3 the compass is of coarse :


North                   ( 360 (0)  degrees in Fs                   =  110 degrees on the Compass )

East                     ( 090 degrees in Fs                         =  200 degrees on the Compass )

South                   ( 180 degrees in Fs                         =  290 degrees on the Compass )

West                    ( 270 degrees in Fs                         =  025 degrees on the Compass )


Strange. They all appear to be 250 degrees out.  If you add 250 degrees they would be correct by the look of it.


But P3Dv3 should NOT (must not) be different. This is a regular Simconnect value, tye one named


 You need to report it so it will get fixed!


If you Monitor offset 02CC in FSUIPC, as type FLT64, then it will show the readouts FSUIPC is receiving from SimConnect.  It is not changed by FSUIPC, simply copied as it is into the offset.


What I would like to know what the values for the Compass are :

Eg :  360 degrees = 360 or 3600 or 36000 or another value.



Sorry I don't understand what you mean. Offset 02CC gives the compass value in degrees, as it says. Where are you expecting 3600 or 36000 or anything different? The offset is a double float value occupying 64 bits (8 bytes), exactly as documented.
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Thanks Pete,


I found a way to set it : in Fs turn the aircraft with Slew to 115 degrees and then start SIOC.

But this means I always have to turn the aircraft to 115 degrees before starting SIOC.


Saved flights cannot be used anymore !

A saved flight at the gate or a saved Approach cannot be used anymore, because I first have to turn the aircraft to 115 degrees.


It looks like the compass receives signal and turns , but sees not the compass position.

The compass starts at 115 degrees after being activated.


This is now with P3Dv3. With P3Dv2 I had no issues.

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Thanks Pete,


I found a way to set it : in Fs turn the aircraft with Slew to 115 degrees and then start SIOC.

But this means I always have to turn the aircraft to 115 degrees before starting SIOC.


Saved flights cannot be used anymore !

A saved flight at the gate or a saved Approach cannot be used anymore, because I first have to turn the aircraft to 115 degrees.


It looks like the compass receives signal and turns , but sees not the compass position.

The compass starts at 115 degrees after being activated.


This is now with P3Dv3. With P3Dv2 I had no issues.



Can you report this discrepancy to L-M on their Forum please? I'm not sure I understand the problem as well as you so you would be the best source.




Ah, I see you have reported it already. Thank you!



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