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mouse macro not working

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hello mr dowson.

i have a new question to ask.

and as possible that it could created a macro mouse but not working?

i mean: i created a macro mouse with the citation mustang flight1 key to swap from nav1/to nav2

i created regularly as others that i created, when i do the test, but this does not work?

you know explain why?

it depends on a limitation of FSX-SE?

thanks for reply.

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and as possible that it could created a macro mouse but not working?

i mean: i created a macro mouse with the citation mustang flight1 key to swap from nav1/to nav2

i created regularly as others that i created, when i do the test, but this does not work?

you know explain why?

it depends on a limitation of FSX-SE?


No, it depends on how the gauge file of the aircraft was written. Most modern add-on aircraft do not have gauges written in C/C++ using the Microsoft gauges SDK. Mouse macros depend on the code being exactly right in the gauge.


If the mouse making window came up it may be that the gauge is written in C/C++ but uses the standard PANELS.DLL module supplied with FS. I'm afraid if it does then the switch is not susceptible to mouse macros. Are you sure there's no FS control being used to make that selection? Try enabling FSUIPC's event logging and check the log file after using the switch.



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how do FSUIPC try enablyng event logging and check the log file after using the switch?

otherwise i think that there is no alternative that with KEY2MOUSE.




how do FSUIPC try enablyng event logging and check the log file after using the switch?


FSUIPC options, Logging tab. Take a look.


The log is written in the Modules folder.


otherwise i think that there is no alternative that with KEY2MOUSE.



It might be possible with a macro writing to L:Vars (Local Panel Variables) -- please see the FSUIPC documentation!



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