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Hello Pete 


After I read your message on ProSim, I have investigated a bit more about (radar.bin as fuipc going to make, I can not find it) I would hear about where it stores the file.I have looked in prosim737 folder. but there is not one radar.bin file

I also Update ASN to B5848 Service Pack 4 Open Beta – ASN for P3D Compatible with P3D v2.5 and P3D v3.0, 3.1 

Do you need some files from me .. ??

I hope you will help me
Michael :razz:
  On 1/7/2016 at 6:33 PM, My737simDK said:

After I read your message on ProSim, I have investigated a bit more about (radar.bin as fuipc going to make, I can not find it) I would hear about where it stores the file.I have looked in prosim737 folder. but there is not one radar.bin file


It stores it where you tell it to in the parameter you add to the FSUIPC4.INI file. It is Prosim which wants it named a particular way and put in its folder. FSUIPC will name it whatever you want and put it in the folder of your choice. Without the parameter there it will not even make the file in the first place.




Did you resolve it? 


Note that the creation of the file in the right place will prove that your parameter is correct. Whether it shows anything on screen depends on several other factors:


1. Settings on your WX Radar control switches. In particular the gain and tilt adjustments.


2. Whether there are any water-laden clouds about. The radar does not show clouds, only water. To check thorughly, search for airports currently with precipitation, and preferably CB (CumuloNimbus) clouds. The search facility in ASN will help. I just did this and found good results (for radar!) at EINN. Below you can see the result on my ND just a while ago.


My FSUIPC4.INI file contains this parameter in its [General] section:




(My Prosim installation happens to be on a separate PC, one called EXTRAS.)


Hope this helps. Let me know how you get on.







Hi Pete,


Hope I'm on the correct forum now. I checked the ASN path in my FSUIPC.ini, and as far as I can see, it is correct.

My Prosim-folder is C:\prosim\prosim737

The entry in the .ini is: ASNwxRadarPath=C:\Prosim\Prosim737\radar.bin


By the way: where can I find the control switches for tilt and gain?


Regards, Koosch.

  On 1/8/2016 at 2:18 PM, pelsrijcken said:

Hope I'm on the correct forum now. I checked the ASN path in my FSUIPC.ini, and as far as I can see, it is correct.

My Prosim-folder is C:\prosim\prosim737


Is that where Prosim737.exe is executed from?


The entry in the .ini is: ASNwxRadarPath=C:\Prosim\Prosim737\radar.bin
And exactly where is it in the INI file?
As another check, you can add a line like:
to get a displayable bit-map which you can view with any graphic display program. (Change the path to put it where you like).
Full details of the ASN WXRadar facilities in FSUIPC, including the programming data which ProSim is using, are in the document in your FSUIPC Documents folder entitled "ASN WX Radar facilities in FSUIPC4". You'll see these were added as long ago as FSUIPC version 4.93.
By the way: where can I find the control switches for tilt and gain?


On your centre console somewhere. Normally between the captain and FO's mic switch panels forward of the transponder. If you haven't got the WX Radar panel you should program some buttons to increase/decrease gain and the same for tilt. You assign them in Prosim.


BTW you can get more logging from FSUIPC about its relationship with ASN radar facilities by adding these lines to the FSUIPC4.INI [General] section:





If you do that, paste the Log file here, in a message.




Is that where Prosim737.exe is executed from?    Yes.
And exactly where is it in the INI file?  General section, the first line.
Good news: the .bmp appeared in my Prosim737 folder, no picture in it. But again no radar.bin. I must have an error somewhere in the setup.


please find my FSUIPC-log files pasted here:




********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.948 by Pete Dowson *********
Reading options from "C:\FSX\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini"
Running inside FSX on Windows 7
Module base=65000000
User Name="JWG Pels Rijcken"
User Addr="pelsrijcken@texel.com"
FSUIPC4 Key is provided
WideFS7 Key is provided
       78 System time = 08/01/2016 17:13:52
       78 FLT UNC path = "\\PROSIM\Users\KOOSCH\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\"
      109 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ...
      125 FS UNC path = "\\PROSIM\FSX\"
      250 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan -----------------------
      250 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
      250    Manufacturer= Saitek
      250    Vendor=06A3, Product=0763 (Version 1.0)
      250    Serial Number=
      265 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Yoke
      265    Manufacturer= Saitek
      265    Vendor=06A3, Product=0BAC (Version 3.2)
      265    Serial Number=
      265 Product= JetMAX 737 Throttle
      265    Manufacturer= TEKWorx Limited
      265    Vendor=1FD1, Product=0600 (Version 1.2)
      265    Serial Number= 000000B9
      265 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      281 LogOptions=00000000 00000051
      281 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      281 ------ Setting the hooks and direct calls into the simulator ------
      281 --- CONTROLS timer memory location obtained ok
      281 --- SIM1 Frictions access gained
      281 ###ASN: ASN module as_btstrp.dll not loaded (yet)!
      281 --- FS Controls Table located ok
      281 --- Installed Mouse Macro hooks ok.
      281 --- Wind smoothing fix is fully installed
      281 --- G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok
      281 --- All links checked okay
      281 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      281 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay
      281 Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07
     1139 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0)
     1154 Initialising SimConnect data requests now
     1154 FSUIPC Menu entry added
     1170 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=N, In Menu=Y, In Dlg=Y
     1170 \\PROSIM\Users\koosch\documents\flight simulator x files\EHAM C12.FLT
     1170 \\PROSIM\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\Prosim 737-800 Regular\Prosim738.AIR
     3682 Memory in use: 752Mb, Avail=3344Mb
    63914 Memory in use: 1642Mb, Avail=2454Mb
    72977 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=N, In Menu=N, In Dlg=N
    73164 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=N, In Menu=Y, In Dlg=Y
    88047 Aircraft="Prosim_737_800_Winglets_KLM_Livery"
    88047 System time = 08/01/2016 17:15:20, Simulator time = 09:13:53 (16:13Z)
    90402 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=N, In Menu=N, In Dlg=N
    93788 Deactivated: culprit unknown
    93788 Focus lost: culprit unknown
    95582 Starting everything now ...
    95613 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=Y, In Menu=N, In Dlg=N
    95644 ###ASN[2]: as_btstrp.dll is present at 66800000, with procedure isActive at 668041E0
    95644 ###ASN[2]: ... and IsRunning returned this: 6683FDBC
    95644 ASN active function link set
    95644 ###ASN[2]: ASN running flag = 0
    95644 Ready for ASN WX radar
    95644 ###ASN[2]: ASN Active flag = 0
    96767 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled
   124177 Memory in use: 1563Mb, Avail=2533Mb
   178153 ###ASN[2]: ASN Active flag = 1
   178153 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   178153 Note: 200 bytes memory used WXradar bitmap
   178153 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   180649 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   180665 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   182802 Weather Mode now = Theme
   183161 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   183161 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   184424 Memory in use: 1480Mb, Avail=2616Mb
   185657 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   185657 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   186811 Deactivated: culprit unknown
   186811 Focus lost: culprit unknown
   188153 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   188153 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   190664 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   190664 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   193160 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   193160 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   195656 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   195656 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   198168 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   198168 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   200664 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   200664 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   203160 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   203160 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   205656 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   205656 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   208168 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   208168 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   210664 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   210664 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   213160 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   213160 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   215671 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   215671 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   218167 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   218167 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   220663 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   220663 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   223159 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   223159 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   225671 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   225671 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   228167 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   228167 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   230663 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   230663 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   233159 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   233175 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   235671 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   235671 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   238167 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   238167 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   240663 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   240663 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   243174 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   243174 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   244672 Memory in use: 1609Mb, Avail=2486Mb
   245670 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   245670 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   248166 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   248166 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   250678 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   250678 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   253174 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   253174 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   255670 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   255670 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   258166 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   258166 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   260678 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   260678 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   263174 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   263174 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   265670 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   265670 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   268166 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   268166 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   270677 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   270677 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   273173 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   273173 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   275669 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   275669 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   278165 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   278165 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   280677 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   280677 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   283173 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   283173 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   285669 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   285669 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   288181 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   288181 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   290677 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   290677 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   293173 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   293173 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   295669 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   295669 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   298180 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   298180 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   300676 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   300676 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   303172 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   303172 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   304935 Memory in use: 1606Mb, Avail=2490Mb
   305684 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   305684 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   308180 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   308180 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   310676 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   310676 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   313172 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   313172 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   315684 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   315684 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   318180 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   318180 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   320676 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   320676 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   323187 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   323187 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   325683 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   325683 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   328179 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   328179 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   330691 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   330691 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   333187 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   333187 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested
   335683 ###ASN[2]: DoWX: Options=0000, range=0
   335683 ###ASN[2]: WXradar data requested


Hi Pete,


I now got a nice radar bitmap. But still no radar.bin, nor radar on the ND.


I can see the radar making sweeps, but all is red, no color differences or cloud formations to discern. I discovered the switches on the pedestal, so I can change range and tilt.




  On 1/8/2016 at 4:22 PM, pelsrijcken said:

And exactly where is it in the INI file?  General section, the first line.


Good news: the .bmp appeared in my Prosim737 folder, no picture in it. But again no radar.bin. I must have an error somewhere in the setup.


Well, the radar link to ASN is working, and FSUIPC is getting the data. You simply MUST have something wrong with that parameter. Maybe some spurious non-printing characters? Try deleting it and entering t from scratch next to your BitMap parameter line.



  On 1/8/2016 at 4:56 PM, pelsrijcken said:

I now got a nice radar bitmap. But still no radar.bin, nor radar on the ND.


I can see the radar making sweeps, but all is red, no color differences or cloud formations to discern. I discovered the switches on the pedestal, so I can change range and tilt.


If there's no Radar.bin then there's no WX radar data Prosim can use!




To help work out why you are not getting the file you need, I've added more logging to FSUIPC version 4.949b, available only through this link at present:




If you have the parameter with the correct keyword and in the correct place in the INI file, it will be logged the first time FSUIPC tries to save it. So, if there's no such log entry, but still a bitmap file produced, then you have the parameter wrong or in the wrong place.


On the other hand, it it does try to save it but this fails for some reason, then the path will still be logged, but with the Windows error number to show what is wrong.


That's all for now. I'm away this weekend, back Monday.




Hi Pete,


How's this to start your week: the bin-file is produced and the radar works fine! I think the problem was the location of the lines in the FSUIPC4.ini; I lowered them to the end of the General section.


Many thanks to you, and I admire your patience!


Kind regards, Koosch.

  On 1/9/2016 at 12:44 PM, pelsrijcken said:

I think the problem was the location of the lines in the FSUIPC4.ini; I lowered them to the end of the General section.


Hmm. Where they are in the [General] section, doesn't matter, because Windows accesses them only by Section name and Parameter name. The line must have been outside the section.



  • 2 weeks later...


i,m Beginner in english sorry i try it.


I have Project Magenta and would like the ASN Weatherradar get into the ND. I have Enricco 2- 3 Mail write, but no Answer.

Pete, can You help me and wat can i make.


Regards Hans

  • 3 weeks later...
  On 1/22/2016 at 9:58 AM, Henny said:

I have Project Magenta and would like the ASN Weatherradar get into the ND. I have Enricco 2- 3 Mail write, but no Answer.

Pete, can You help me and wat can i make


I asked Enrico to support this long ago, when I first added the WX radar support for ASN to FSUIPC. I even offered to do some of the work if he would only give me formatting information for the ND files. But alas nothing happened. He said he would get to it ...?


I have switched to ProSim as of 15 moths ago.




Hello Pete,


I am also a prosim user.

But I can not seem to create the weather radar with asn.

I think I have read all about it but I can not seem to get it working.

It is not generating the radar.bin or the bitmap.

Not on my external avionics computer (setup like yours where all prosim modules are installed) with a shared networkfolder to prosim.


So I tried to do it locally on my fs computer, directly on c:...but this is also not creating the files.


I have putted in my fsuipc.ini file and a fsuipc log.


Can you see if I am doing anything wrong?


P3d v3.1 asn 4.1.


  On 2/8/2016 at 9:46 AM, rijkinbeeld said:

Hello Pete,


I am also a prosim user.

But I can not seem to create the weather radar with asn.

I think I have read all about it but I can not seem to get it working.

It is not generating the radar.bin or the bitmap.

Not on my external avionics computer (setup like yours where all prosim modules are installed) with a shared networkfolder to prosim.


So I tried to do it locally on my fs computer, directly on c:...but this is also not creating the files.


I have putted in my fsuipc.ini file and a fsuipc log.


Can you see if I am doing anything wrong?


P3d v3.1 asn 4.1.


You'll need to paste the contents of your FSUIPC4.INI and FSUIPC4.LOG files into a message. They were not attached.


Also please clarify: is ASN on the same PC as P3D? It is not clear from your message.




Hello Pete,


ASN is on my FS computer




FSVersionUsed="Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v3",
0=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke
1=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Sound\
Device1=Primair geluidsstuurprogramma
Device2=LG TV-4 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)
Device3=Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)





********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.949 by Pete Dowson *********
Prepar3D.exe version =
Reading options from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini"
Running inside Prepar3D v3 on Windows 8.0
Module base=5CE00000
User Name="Joep Rijk"
User Addr="info@rijkinbeeld.nl"
FSUIPC4 Key is provided
WideFS7 Key is provided
        0 System time = 08/02/2016 09:39:50
       16 FLT UNC path = "\\DESKTOP-SFROTT3\Users\Joep\Documents\Prepar3D v3 Files\"
       16 ------ Module Version Check ------
       16        acontain.dll:
       16             api.dll:
       16        controls.dll:
       16      fs-traffic.dll:
       16             G3D.dll:
       16            sim1.dll:
       16        visualfx.dll:
       16         weather.dll:
       16          window.dll:
       16 ----------------------------------
       16 Trying C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Modules\SimConnectP3D2.dll
       16 Found it: trying to connect
       32 FS UNC path = "\\DESKTOP-SFROTT3\Prepar3D v32\"
      188 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan -----------------------
      188 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      204 LogOptions=00000000 00000001
      204 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      204 ------ Setting the hooks and direct calls into the simulator ------
      204 --- CONTROLS timer memory location obtained ok
      204 --- SIM1 Frictions access gained
      204 --- FS Controls Table located ok
      204 --- Installed Mouse Macro hooks ok.
      204 --- Wind smoothing fix is installed
      204 --- All links okay (except older global weather setting method)
      204 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      204 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay
      204 Trying to use SimConnect Prepar3D
    41516 ***** HID USB device reconnected: re-initialising FSUIPC connections
    41688 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan -----------------------
    41688 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Yoke
    41688    Manufacturer= Saitek
    41688    Vendor=06A3, Product=0BAC (Version 3.2)
    41688    Serial Number= Saitek
    48688 Product= Saitber= Saitek
    48688    Manufacturer= Saitek
    48688    Vendor=06A3, Product=0763 (Version 1.0)
    48688    Serial Number= Saitek
    48688 -------------------------------------------------------------------
    48704 ***** HID USB device reconnected: re-initialising FSUIPC connections
    48750 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan -----------------------
    48750 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Yoke
    48766    Manufacturer= Saitek
    48766    Vendor=06A3, Product=0BAC (Version 3.2)
    48766    Serial Number= Saitek
    48766 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
    48766    Manufacturer= Saitek
    48766    Vendor=06A3, Product=0763 (Version 1.0)
    48766    Serial Number= Saitek
    48766 -------------------------------------------------------------------
    48766 ***** HID USB device reconnected: re-initialising FSUIPC connections
    48829 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan -----------------------
    48829 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Yoke
    48829    Manufacturer= Saitek
    48829    Vendor=06A3, Product=0BAC (Version 3.2)
    48829    Serial Number= Saitek
    48829 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
    48829    Manufacturer= Saitek
    48829    Vendor=06A3, Product=0763 (Version 1.0)
    48829    Serial Number= Saitek
    48829 -------------------------------------------------------------------
    50360 Running in "Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v3", Version: (SimConnect:
    50360 Initialising SimConnect data requests now
    50360 FSUIPC Menu entry added
    50375 \\DESKTOP-SFROTT3\Users\Joep\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Prepar3D_Default.fxml
    50375 \\DESKTOP-SFROTT3\Prepar3D v32\SimObjects\Airplanes\IRIS Raptor Driver\Raptor.air
    81891 System time = 08/02/2016 09:41:12, Simulator time = 08:00:00 (13:00Z)
    81891 Aircraft="F-22 Raptor - 525th Fighter Squadron"
    82891 Starting everything now ...
    82954 ASN active function link set
    82954 Ready for ASN WX radar
    82954 Note: 200 bytes memory used WXradar bitmap
    84032 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled
    84829 Weather Mode now = Theme
  2393922 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 2312 secs = 52.5 fps
  2955375 Note: 80000 bytes memory used WXradar bitmap


Okay. In the Log I've highlit those lines which prove that the files are being made:


  On 2/8/2016 at 11:21 AM, rijkinbeeld said:

    82891 Starting everything now ...

    82954 ASN active function link set
    82954 Ready for ASN WX radar
    82954 Note: 200 bytes memory used WXradar bitmap
    84032 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled
    84829 Weather Mode now = Theme
  2393922 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 2312 secs = 52.5 fps
  2955375 Note: 80000 bytes memory used WXradar bitmap


So, as far as ASN and FSUIPC are concerned, it is working.  Those size notes are logged just before the Bitmap image is written. (There SHOULD be a message the first time the binary file, the one Prosim uses, is written But there's no entry for that, which is certainly odd).


Either at least the BitMap file is there and you are just not seeing it (maybe to do with access rights -- try sending them to the same folder as your FSUIPC4.INI and LOG files), or for some reason there's a failure when FSUIPC tries to create them.


Currently there's no log entry for a failure to create. Sorry about that. I hadn't anticipated there'd ever be such a problem. I'll add a log entry if this happens -- 4.949d. I'll give you a link later today.


Meanwhile please re-check, and try a path you KNOW you can always access.



  On 2/8/2016 at 1:04 PM, Pete Dowson said:

Currently there's no log entry for a failure to create. Sorry about that. I hadn't anticipated there'd ever be such a problem. I'll add a log entry if this happens -- 4.949d. I'll give you a link later today.


Download this updated DLL and try again. Show me the Log please.





  • 3 weeks later...

Hello All,


first post here, I feel embarrassed having to post about this topic since this has been discussed repeatedly also in other forums,

but what can I say... I can't make it work :-)


I am new to ASNext, just got it yesterday, my registered version of FSUIPC is:4.949

I use the latest version of P3D

What I did was the following:


I went into E:\P3D\Modules and opened the file called FSUIPC4.ini

in it right under the title GENERAL I wrote the following: ASNwxRadarPath=C:\User\Nic\Desktop\Prosim737\radar.bin (all my ProSim modules are on my desktop)

I also added a line with the following : ASNwxRadarBitmapPath=C:\RadarPicture.bmp

I saved the file and closed it.

I did this without P3D and ASN running.

I checked but there was no file or image created.

I launched P3D and ASN, I checked again and there was no file or image created.


I am going to stop here at this point and see if there is any suggestions.


Many Thanks in advance


  On 2/25/2016 at 8:03 PM, Capitanfuturo said:

in it right under the title GENERAL I wrote the following: ASNwxRadarPath=C:\User\Nic\Desktop\Prosim737\radar.bin (all my ProSim modules are on my desktop)



Well, it's a really bad idea to have ProSim on the desktop (or any application program really). . How are all of its subfolders managed there? Short cuts are fine there, but whole program structures? Ugh.


Anyway, I can't help without data. In the same Modules folder you fond FSUIPC4.INI there will be a log file, FSUIPC4.LOG. Open that in a text editor and paste the whole content into a reply here. Also it might be as well to do the same with your FSUIPC4.INI file.




Hi Pete,


you are absolutely right, I have been meaning to move the folder but now I am scared that if I do that nothing will work anymore.

On the good side, I made the radar work. Something went wrong last night when saving the file, I am sure I saved it multiple times, but

when I opened it today to copy the info for you, the new lines where not there. So I did it all over again and this time worked just as it should have.


If I may ask, in another port you talk about tilt and gane control, I do not have yet a Radar panel in my console,

so I understand I would have to set it in Prosim, do you know where I can find it there and what does it actually do?


Much appreciated



  On 2/26/2016 at 2:11 PM, Capitanfuturo said:

If I may ask, in another port you talk about tilt and gane control, I do not have yet a Radar panel in my console,

so I understand I would have to set it in Prosim, do you know where I can find it there and what does it actually do?


You'd need some spare buttons -- 4 for normal buttons, tilt down, tilt up, gain down, gain up. A title reset to set it level again) might be useful. Better than 4 buttons would be either two rotary encoders giving different button outputs when turned clockwise/CCW, or even two pots seen in FS as joystick axes and calibrated and scaled to give the correct ranges. (But I'd advise against the Pot method -- it isn't so predictable as increment/decrement methods).


The only place I think you can assign them in Prosim737 is in the Analog section. They are called "Weather radar gain" and "weather radar tilt". Mine are assigned to and Unsigned byte offset in FSUIPC, and a Signed byte in FSUIPC, respectively, and I just make the buttons increment of decrement those bytes using assignments, in FSUIPC, to Offset controls.  I don't remember the range offhand -- I'd need to switch my cockpit PC back on to look it up.


As for what they mean, it is in the words. Title tilts the radar beam up or down so you can focus on water higher or lower than your aircraft (for climbs and descents). Gain is just turning the sensitivity up and down. Too high you'll get a whole screen in red showing dense water content, too low you lose the lesser parts of water bearing clouds.



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