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FSUIPC Log Timestamps

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I have a wrinkle with some of my LVAR reading in that some aircraft use the LVARs as a toggle for state, rather than the state itself (looking at you, PMDG MD-11). I need to therefore keep my own internal state and make sure I can detect the LVAR changes before the panel switches them back. Here's a log excerpt:

  4630593 LUA.0: L:FCP_PROF_Switch_var=1
  4630983 LUA.0: L:FCP_PROF_Switch_var=0
  4635273 LUA.0: L:FCP_NAV_Switch_var=1
  4635632 LUA.0: L:FCP_NAV_Switch_var=0
  4645616 LUA.0: L:FCP_FMS_SPD_Switch_var=1
  4645975 LUA.0: L:FCP_FMS_SPD_Switch_var=0

Can I safely assume that the timestamps on the left are milliseconds since FSUIPC started? If so, I probably have enough time to detect them since my timer is between 125 and 250ms.



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4 minutes ago, Luke Kolin said:

Can I safely assume that the timestamps on the left are milliseconds since FSUIPC started? If so, I probably have enough time to detect them since my timer is between 125 and 250ms.

Yes, milliseconds.



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