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Saitek X-65F P3d V3.3 - Some buttons no longer work

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I updated the client version only of P3d to V3.3. I then installed FSUIPC 4.955. Disabled controllers in P3d. I set up axes and buttons from within FSUIPC4 UI. All the axes work on both the stick controller and the throttle controller as they did in V3.2. All the buttons work on the stick controller. None of the buttons work on the throttle controller. The buttons are recognized by various Windows joystick tester apps and the Saitek calibration app.

EDIT: Redoing axis and button assignments fixed it. I deleted attached log file and ini snippet.

Edited by jabloomf1230
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6 hours ago, jabloomf1230 said:

I updated the client version only of P3d to V3.3. I then installed FSUIPC 4.955. Disabled controllers in P3d. I set up axes and buttons from within FSUIPC4 UI.

Why did you re-program things in FSUIPC? Hadn't you done any of that before. FSUIPC's assignments and so on don't change between FSUIPC or FS/P3D versions.


Redoing axis and button assignments fixed it.

Sorry, but without knowing anything about what else you changed between before and after updating the P3D client, I can't really say what you managed to change in the FSUIPC settings. You shouldn't have to change anything at all to do with FSUIPC. I've used the same INI file for FSX, FSX-SE, and P3D throughout all the versions of those. The only dependency FSUIPC has regarding assignments is the PC itself, where changing versions of Wndows and/or different hardware USB connections will move joystick identities about.





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That's been my previous experience  also... Just install the new P3d client,  then install the updated version of FSUIPC4 and then everything  works fine. This time for some reason,  it didn't,  so I renamed the FSUIPC4.ini file and reprogrammed all the buttons and axes. My guess is that not rebooting the computer after the client install was probably  my dumb mistake. 

Anyway,  all is good now. 


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9 minutes ago, jabloomf1230 said:

That's been my previous experience  also... Just install the new P3d client,  then install the updated version of FSUIPC4 and then everything  works fine. This time for some reason,  it didn't,  so I renamed the FSUIPC4.ini file and reprogrammed all the buttons and axes.

Hmm. It would have been useful to see what the INI file was like beforehand. I can't see how that would get corrupted. Could the joystick IDs have been moved around do you think? Again, comparing the old INI with the new one you've now created woulds tell us.



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