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Say goodbye to "Goodbye"


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Vic, if accommodating a small request is your aim as you say, how about replacing "Goodbye" with "Good day" or "So long" during a frequency change. "Goodbye" is heard on the phone, not in typical ATC comms, and you would make a lot of real-world pilots very happy. I tried to make the text file change myself, but it wouldn't let me. Listen to Live ATC and see for yourself. This has to be about the simplest fix you can consider, and it would go a long way to increasing the realism you strive for.





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I think this is mostly a US convention.  Either way, the hotfix changed it.  Of course now we have the problem of pilots saying "good day" at night, but Vic indicated that we will have to wait for the Pro version to address this issue, since the sim engine does not really know whether it is day or night.

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