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Delays and weather handling


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Any thought of a feature for ATC delays?  One of the most difficult jobs for ATC is handling delays when certain routes are closed during thunderstorms or delays due to congestion at an airport and where they hold aircraft that need to leave the gate etc.  For example I flew out of JFK earlier this week where weather was closing certain delays and at one point ATC (I was listening in) had over 50 aircraft parked around the field holding waiting for it to pass over.  It would be awesome if this was integrated somehow into the software as a complication to handling traffic

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Strongly agreed, though I suspect that we will have to wait for the Pro version for that, since currently wind is not really even modeled.  Vic hinted in a previous post that changing winds and forced pattern shifts were something that are being looking at for the Pro version.

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7 hours ago, Avwriter said:

Strongly agreed, though I suspect that we will have to wait for the Pro version for that, since currently wind is not really even modeled.  Vic hinted in a previous post that changing winds and forced pattern shifts were something that are being looking at for the Pro version.

That would be very cool

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15 hours ago, Avwriter said:

Strongly agreed, though I suspect that we will have to wait for the Pro version for that, since currently wind is not really even modeled.  Vic hinted in a previous post that changing winds and forced pattern shifts were something that are being looking at for the Pro version.

Do you mind pointing me to that post containing the hint from Vic?

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