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Tower3D Frame Skipping


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Hi all!

Hoping someone can help with this one or has found a solution. I've looked at the other topics and none have helped.

My screen seems to skip frames or lag. I have tried everything I can think of so if you have tried something and it works then please share.

Settings are set to Fantastic and 1920 x 1080 59hz

Windows 10

64 bit x64 processor

GeForce Nvidia GT 420

1920 x 1080 60hz


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1. What processor do you have? 

2. How much system RAM? 

3. How much RAM on your video card?

4. Is your system running too hot (there are free applications available online to help you track this)?

5. Are you running a web browser or any other unnecessary applications in the background?

6. Have you tried changing the game setting from Fantastic to something lower? 

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49 minutes ago, Avwriter said:

1. What processor do you have? 

2. How much system RAM? 

3. How much RAM on your video card?

4. Is your system running too hot (there are free applications available online to help you track this)?

5. Are you running a web browser or any other unnecessary applications in the background?

6. Have you tried changing the game setting from Fantastic to something lower? 

Thanks for your reply Avwriter!

1- intel core i5-2300 2.8

2- 6GB

3- 1GB

4- not sure

5- No

6- Yes


by the way Avwriter, is it just me or is the speed either super slow or super fast for aircraft movement?

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That certainly surpasses the min requirements, and is only a little below the recommended specs.  Did lowering the in-game settings make any difference at all?  Does it seem as bad during the daytime with clear weather, or is it only at night time and or in stormy weather?  [VIc indicated that night+storms is the most demanding environment]  You also might check your graphics card settings.  If you have very high anti-aliasing or anisotropic filtering settings, this might be costing you some performance; you might experiment to see if lowering them helps any.  Also before running the game hit Ctrl+alt+Delete and double check if there is anything else you can shut down that could free up resources.  Finally, also check to see if your video card has updated drivers.  I'm no expert, but this might give you a place to start. 


For the record, I am running a Core i5-2500k at 3.3, with a GeForce GTX760; system RAM 16 gigs, Video Ram 4 gigs.  Mine runs fairly smoothly.

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1 hour ago, DomYul said:

by the way Avwriter, is it just me or is the speed either super slow or super fast for aircraft movement?

My observation is that the ground traffic seems a little too slow, especially pulling out onto the runway.   Sometimes, they speed up a little on some taxiways, but I have never seen anything that I would call super fast. 

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