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No Aileron Control

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When I start FSX-SE and try to fly ANY plane the ailerons are fully up on the right and fully down on the left wing and will not move. Caused a few crashes before I spotted it!

I use a CH YOKE and when I move the yoke on my desk the yoke in the cockpit moves. FSUIPC sees the yoke move as does the CH calibration program. ALL other controls work as they should.

This suddenly happened after about a year of enjoying FSUIPC! Tried all kinds of fixes, but now afraid I totally screw up my FSX.

Please HELP! Thanks.

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Thanks for the reply.

The Controls are NOT enabled in FSX and in any case, have been completely cleared.

Please note that I have been using this successfully for about a year and the problem suddenly turned up last week. I can't figure what, if anything, I did to make it happen or how to fix it!

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Except for showing that you are using an older unsupported version of FSUIPC (4.947c), the INI looks fine, the calibration looks fine. But what is the RANGE of values for IN and OUT? That's the important part of my question. You only give both as 0. If they stay as 0 whilst you move the yoke then that's a big problem. The input from the aileron axis is stuck at 0.

Please update to a supported version. Current is 4.955c (released 14th June).


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As I turn the yoke to the left, I note the values to be from IN = 16383 to OUT = 16384

And to the right as IN = -15744 to OUT = -16383

I will update to latest version 4.955c tomorrow after work.


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20 hours ago, iamgbs said:

As I turn the yoke to the left, I note the values to be from IN = 16383 to OUT = 16384

And to the right as IN = -15744 to OUT = -16383

Perfect! And it controls the aileron position, as you indicated in your original message, here:

On 06/07/2016 at 3:45 AM, iamgbs said:

I use a CH YOKE and when I move the yoke on my desk the yoke in the cockpit moves.

So the input works and is correctly calibrated, and it obviously has the desired effect in the simulator, so is it just the visual affect on the wings when using an external view? Maybe it's a bug in the add-on aircraft you are using?



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FSUIPC now updated to 4.955. No change in problem.

Yes, the visual effect on the wings in external view shows no change in ailerons - they are stuck left wing down, right wing up. Though the ranges in FSUIPC move as reported, the ailerons (in external view) do not. The yoke in VC view moves as expected. Note that ALL other axes work fine (elevator, pedals, brakes, throttle, mixture, prop pitch).

I am using the stock FSX Cessna 172. I went through the entire stable of my aircraft and this is on ALL planes - be they stock FSX or add-ons. Is it possible there is some corrupt common file in the aircraft folder somewhere which relates to all aircraft? I am just not savvy enough to evaluate that possibility. I have validated files in Steam twice - no errors.

Again, I really appreciate your efforts in helping me.


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Stop Press!

I  found the problem...I came across a post in another forum which said:

" ....make sure the autopilot is not on. On the ground, this can cause aileron deflection if the A/P is somehow in Heading mode and attempting a bank..."

I turned off the AP (Z) and the ailerons immediately returned to level position both wings!! Confirmed using several aircraft. Turns out if a flight is saved with AP on and HDG set, the problem occurs. If AP is off when saved, all is well. Strangely, this will affect ALL subsequent aircraft. In future, guess I will have to follow best practice and not land with AP ON!

Thank you for great support, Pete! Fantastic product, and I am planning a lot more use out of FSUIPC as I enter retirement soon and will have some more time to make my own (partial) physical simulator.

A quick (easy) one: is there a setting to auto-alert me for version updates?


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