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Key Recognition Problem

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Hi Pete,

I recently upgraded to Win10 and am running both FSX and FSX-SE with FSUIPC4.955c. Using Logitech SetPoint, I set up some specialty keys I don't normally use to generate key sequences, such as Ctrl+num8, for activating Lua scripts. The strange thing is that while this works with FSX, it does not work with FSX-SE -- there is no apparent response. However, if I 'manually' generate the key sequence Ctrl+num8 by pushing the individual keys, the Lua script is activated in FSX-SE. FSX-SE identifies Ctrl+num8 as available for assignment, so there is no conflict there. Something must be trapping the use of the specialty key when FSX-SE is running. Any ideas on what I could check?



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7 minutes ago, ark1320 said:

Using Logitech SetPoint, I set up some specialty keys I don't normally use to generate key sequences, such as Ctrl+num8, for activating Lua scripts. The strange thing is that while this works with FSX, it does not work with FSX-SE -- there is no apparent response. However, if I 'manually' generate the key sequence Ctrl+num8 by pushing the individual keys, the Lua script is activated in FSX-SE.

I don't know "Logitech Setpoint". Is that a joystick type device with buttons you can assign? Where are you assigning the keystrokes? Why not assign directly to the Lua commands?

To see what the difference between your two tests really is, use the Button/Key logging in FSUIPC.  You can temporarily put FS into Windowed mode (ALT+Enter) so you can use the Console Log option on the same FSUIPC tab and see the results in real time.

10 minutes ago, ark1320 said:

FSX-SE identifies Ctrl+num8 as available for assignment, so there is no conflict there.

Well if a keypress is assigned in FSUIPC, it will be capturing it before FS gets to see it in any case. Unlike buttons and Axes, FSUIPC can always override FS keypress settings.

Quite honestly I'd be very surprised indeed f there was any difference in the way FSX-SE treats keypresses to FSX, unless it is that Steam interface interfering somehow.



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Logitech Setpoint is a software utility for assigning operations/or keystrokes to Logitech mice buttons and keyboard keys. I use Saitek yoke, throttle quadrant and rudder pedals for controllers.

When FSX-SE is running and I have have FSUIPC in the key presses tab, it does not see the specially key I set up. It does see it in the key presses tab if FSX is running, so something is capturing the keystroke before FSUIPC can get it when FSX-SE is running. I am using FSX-SE in the Steam 'Off-line' mode. I have tried copying the FSUIPC.ini file from the  FSX modules folder to the FSX-SE modules folder, but it has not made a difference.


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24 minutes ago, ark1320 said:

Logitech Setpoint is a software utility for assigning operations/or keystrokes to Logitech mice buttons and keyboard keys.

Ah, so not buttons directly assignable in FSUIPC, then.  Sounds like it doesn't send keys to fSX is a recognisable way, if FSUIPC doesn't see them at all. Does FSX-SE itself see it? Can you assign to it in FSX-SE?

24 minutes ago, ark1320 said:

When FSX-SE is running and I have have FSUIPC in the key presses tab, it does not see the specially key I set up. It does see it in the key presses tab if FSX is running, so something is capturing the keystroke before FSUIPC can get it when FSX-SE is running

Well, I don't know what that could be. The changes Dovetail made to the code are very very unlilely to have altered anything in such areas, and besides, as I said, FSUIPC gets hold of the keypresses before FS has a chance to see them.

Are you sure you only have exactly the same things running in your FSX-SE setup as you had (or is it "have"?) in your FSX setup? I think it must be something else you have running.

Have you tried the logging as I suggested? Does that just show no inputs seen by FSUIPC too?

24 minutes ago, ark1320 said:

I have tried copying the FSUIPC.ini file from the  FSX modules folder to the FSX-SE modules folder, but it has not made a difference.

Well, it would do, not when the keypresses aren't even seen in the Keys assignmetns tab.



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7 hours ago, Pete Dowson said:

Are you sure you only have exactly the same things running in your FSX-SE setup as you had (or is it "have"?) in your FSX setup? I think it must be something else you have running.

Have you tried the logging as I suggested? Does that just show no inputs seen by FSUIPC too?




The log showed FSUIPC doesn't see anything when I push the keys in question when running FSX-SE.  And I can't find anything 'extra' running with FSX-SE compared to FSX which is still installed and responds to the keys in question. Very strange, perhaps a result of the upgrade process from Win7 to Win10. In Win7, both sims worked as expected. There is a Win10 update due out tomorrow, guess I'll just wait and see what happens after that. I'm out of ideas.



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8 hours ago, ark1320 said:

Very strange, perhaps a result of the upgrade process from Win7 to Win10. In Win7, both sims worked as expected

Ah, that definitely sounds like something in Win10 specifically then.

Does FSX-SE see the keys, in its assignments dialogue? If so I certainly don't understand how FSUIPC doesn't see them, because all Windows messages to FS pass through its main "FS98MAIN" window processing function which FSUIPC hooks.



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3 hours ago, Pete Dowson said:

Does FSX-SE see the keys, in its assignments dialogue?



No, FSX-SE does not see the four specialty keys in the assignments dialogue, but FSX does. FSX-SE does see all the 'normal' keys, however.  What seems really strange is that when FSX-SE is running if I start up a little key detection program (KeyCodes3.exe) that displays what key codes are generated when you push or release a key, it does see the specialty keys!


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37 minutes ago, ark1320 said:

What seems really strange is that when FSX-SE is running if I start up a little key detection program (KeyCodes3.exe) that displays what key codes are generated when you push or release a key, it does see the specialty keys!

The proper sequence of Windows commands arriving is important too, though. For each Key in a combination there will be a WM_KRYDOWN, then there's almost always a WM_CHAR for the Graphic key involved (if any), then in reverse order, sually (though it probably isn't important) the WM_KEYUPs for each key as it is released.

The free Microsoft utility Spy++ can be used to monitor the messages being received by a selected process. You might be able to use that to see what it is doing.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Just to close the loop in case someone else has a similar problem:

The solution to this problem was to 'elevate' the Logitech SetPoint program to start in admin status. FSX-SE normally runs elevated (in admin mode) and FSX does not, and neither did SetPoint, so SetPoint and FSX worked fine together, but FSX-SE did not. SetPoint is started at bootup, and Win10 will not allow a Startup program to automatically run elevated. So I now use the Task Scheduler to delay the startup of SetPoint for 30 seconds which allows it to be started elevated, and so it now works fine with FSX-SE.


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