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FSUIPC changing axis definitions on its own

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Hi Pete;

  Using FSUIPC 4.955g (same problem with 4.955d it appears) in P3D 3.3.5

  I have a profile that sends keystrokes as an axis is moved through its range.  I set it up in the sim, and it works as defined until I shut down and restart the sim, and then it takes the SHIFT-F1 through SHIFT-F5 mappings that I had set and redefines them as (unshifted) F1-F5.  I define, for example, the first one as keycode 112+1, then 113+1 etc to 116+1.  After reload, they always revert to 112+0...116+0

From FSUIPC.ini in the axes.PMDG 777 section after shutting down:

12=QR,D,-15859,-13184,1070,368    -{ Entering=key press & release: shft+F1 }-
13=QR,U,-12398,-8164,1070,369    -{ Entering=key press & release: shft+F2 }-
14=QR,B,-7999,-552,1070,370    -{ Entering=key press & release: shft+F3 }-
15=QR,B,2013,4261,1070,371    -{ Entering=key press & release: shft+F4 }-
16=QR,U,10191,15873,1070,372    -{ Entering=key press & release: shft+F5 }-

And here's the same segment of the .ini after sim is restarted:

12=QR,D,-15859,-13184,1070,112    -{ Entering=key press & release: F1 }-
13=QR,U,-12398,-8164,1070,113    -{ Entering=key press & release: F2 }-
14=QR,B,-7999,-552,1070,114    -{ Entering=key press & release: F3 }-
15=QR,B,2013,4261,1070,115    -{ Entering=key press & release: F4 }-
16=QR,U,10191,15873,1070,116    -{ Entering=key press & release: F5 }-


Any ideas?



Bob Scott


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On 8/16/2016 at 5:34 AM, airforce2 said:

Any ideas?

No. That's really weird! I have many many keypress assignments and don't get any problems. Can you attach or send me your INI file please (petedowson@btconnect.com)? Is the PMDG 777 loading initially, by default, or do you load it after P3D is loaded? If not default, which is?



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Thanks for the INI file. I can reproduce the problem. I will fix it over the weekend -- no time tonight. It appears to be only with Axis assignments, which is why I haven't seen it here. All my similar assignments are only for buttons. Odd, because both use the same encoding / decoding facility. But now I can reproduce it, should be easy to fix.



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