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Still having problems with arrivals in runway 24R in LA. I have to issue a "taxi to terminal" and a "continue taxi" for each airplane that lands in this runway.

No problem in runway 25L.

There's a problem with a TBIT gate (last one in front of Terminal 4). The planes that go to this gate keep spinning around...

Why no cargo terminals ?

American Eagle flights operate from a satellite terminal that is located just east of Terminal 8. Why no terminalfor those flights ?


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I have to do this also, but on both 24R and 25L.  When planes land, they exit the runway and wait.  At this point I issue a Taxi to Terminal command along with the taxiways to use.  If I do not specify the taxiways, it takes the co-pilot a little longer to figure out which route to take and the plane will not move for awhile.  They need to hire smarter co-pilots, but I guess that is why they are just a co-pilot and not a real pilot.

Once the plane moves and comes to the next runway, 24L or 25R, the pilot will wait for instructions to continue and cross the runway.  At that time, when I see the plane speed at 0, I issue the continue taxi command and it will continue to the terminal.

If I am not mistaken, this is how Tower!3D is designed to work.


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