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MakeRwys and FSX-SE DLC

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I use SIMstarter NG, which utilizes MakeRwys to generate runway and gate information for flight selection.

This past weekend I purchased two DLC airports, Orbx Meigs Field and 29Palms Twentynine Palms, for FSX-SE.  After correcting the path to eliminate complaints from both SIMstarter and SCE I attempted to access airport information in SIMstarter.  Neither showed updated information.  Actually, in the case of Meigs Field no information was present, because there was no default in FSX-SE.  

In looking at runways.txt it appears that MakeRwys is not finding any airport information for either DLC airport.  I suspect, after looking at the folders for these two airports, that it is not consistent with non-DLC airport.  Therefore MakeRwys is unable to extract the data.

I also attempted to open both airports using ADE, but never find a file containing the airport.

If you have FSX-SE and do not already own a DLC airport then I will glad to gift you a copy of Twentynine Palms for test purposes.  After all, it's currently on sale for 50% off, so what better time than to be generous. :-)

Thanks, Ernie










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3 hours ago, airernie said:

I also attempted to open both airports using ADE, but never find a file containing the airport.

Then there is no file which Makerunways can use either!

Check the Makerunways log ("Runways.txt". Search for the airports there. If it scans the folders containing the airports you installed, but finds no relevant data, then there isn't any. If you are seeing runways in FS then these must be the defaults. maybe be scenery only adds superstructure -- buildings and such.

3 hours ago, airernie said:

f you have FSX-SE and do not already own a DLC airport then I will glad to gift you a copy of Twentynine Palms for test purposes.  After all, it's currently on sale for 50% off, so what better time than to be generous. :-)

A bit pointless as I'd never use it -- I don't fly in the US. And if there was a problem with the airport data which Makerunways wasn't handling correctly I'd only need the AFD (Airport Facilities Data) BGL, or maybe the scenery BGL file which includes AFD information. (It can be built into the main scenery files -- it's only a series of identifiable records).

The default 29palms airport includes this data, which may be suffucuent, depending what the add-on is doing:

Airport 43CL :N34:12:21.9957  W115:59:52.0005  1793ft
          Country Name="United States"
          State Name="California"
          City Name="Twentynine Palms"
          Airport Name="Dick Dale Skyranch"
          in file: Scenery\0202\scenery\APX17190.bgl

          Runway 12 /30  centre: N34:12:22.0929  W115:59:50.4137  1793ft
              Start 12 : N34:12:31.5845  W116:00:02.2730  1793ft Hdg: 134.0T, Length 2860ft 
              Computed start 12 : Lat 34.208862 Long -116.000749
              Start 30 : N34:12:12.6014  W115:59:38.5561  1793ft Hdg: 314.0T, Length 2860ft 
              Computed start 30 : Lat 34.203415 Long -115.993926
              Hdg: 134.000 true (MagVar 14.000), Dirt, 2860 x 85 ft
              *** Runway *** 43CL0120 Lat 34.208862 Long -116.000748 Alt 1793 Hdg 120 Len 2860 Wid 85
              *** Runway *** 43CL0300 Lat 34.203415 Long -115.993927 Alt 1793 Hdg 300 Len 2860 Wid 85
          Runway 10 /28  centre: N34:12:24.8464  W115:59:48.9556  1793ft
              Start 10 : N34:12:30.2887  W116:00:03.7002  1793ft Hdg: 114.0T, Length 2800ft 
              Computed start 10 : Lat 34.208462 Long -116.001175
              Start 28 : N34:12:19.4366  W115:59:34.2128  1793ft Hdg: 294.0T, Length 2800ft 
              Computed start 28 : Lat 34.205341 Long -115.992691
              Offset Threshold secondary: 150 feet
              Hdg: 114.000 true (MagVar 14.000), Dirt, 2800 x 85 ft
              *** Runway *** 43CL0100 Lat 34.208462 Long -116.001175 Alt 1793 Hdg 100 Len 2800 Wid 85
              *** Runway *** 43CL0280 Lat 34.205341 Long -115.992691 Alt 1793 Hdg 280 Len 2800 Wid 85
          FSM A/P 43CL, lat=34.206112, long=-115.997780, alt=1793

As for Meigs, again, if there's no ADF information then maybe the airport scenery is just that -- scenery. i.e. not defined as an airport with an AFD. Does it appear in FS's "Go to airport" list, and does it have runways selectable in its drop-down?





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1 hour ago, Pete Dowson said:

As for Meigs, again, if there's no ADF information then maybe the airport scenery is just that -- scenery. i.e. not defined as an airport with an AFD. Does it appear in FS's "Go to airport" list, and does it have runways selectable in its drop-down?


Yes, both display correct runway and gate information in FSX-SE.

I was able to resolve the issue with Twentynine Palms, by removing the .OFF suffix from the ADE_TNP_BGL.OFF file.  Not sure why it was there.

Although FSX-SE seemed to recognize the runways and gates just fine with the .OFF suffix.

Orbx Meigs Field still remains a mystery.








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Received a reply from a user on FSDeveloper with the answer;  

" Orbx made Meigs Field Airport for DTG using ADE. Once DTG compiled Meigs and added it to there list of DLC's it was no longer a FSX SDK airport and ADE or any other non SDK airport utility (AFCAD/AFX) can decompile make changes and compile that airport. This is DTG's way of making sure no one can tamper with any of their DLC scenery that was made with FSX SDK tools. "

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9 hours ago, airernie said:

Received a reply from a user on FSDeveloper with the answer;

Well, I don't quite understand that, but I assume it means that the AFD data in one of the BGLs is scrambled in some way and that DTG have added software to FSX-SE which de-scrambles it.

That obviously will stop anything else needing to use the airfield information.

I don't know of any other add-on scenery maker who finds it necessary to go to such steps, and many airports are very extensive and not at all cheap. Yet you don't get folks peddling "tampered" versions!

Seems some paranoia is creeping into some quarters of the FS world! Shame.



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