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Creating Macro

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Hello Peter

I have tried to make macros for the switches on a Wartog.

I don't get any response When creating,  and giving it name, close it and moving back to P3D and moving the actual switch there is'nt any macros coming up on the screen so i am unable to name the switch here

When opening FSUIPC again and ending macro nothing has happened. If using buttons and programming button without macro, it shows up in the .ini file.
but unable to find any macros here when using the macro button.

Are you able to help med with the problem

Best R


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20 minutes ago, hrings said:

I don't get any response When creating,  and giving it name, close it and moving back to P3D and moving the actual switch there is'nt any macros coming up on the screen so i am unable to name the switch here

Most newer aircraft gauges don't support Mouse Macros. The gauges would have to be written using the standard C/C++ Gauge SDK. This is made clear. If there's no response then it isn't supported.

Many modern aircraft add-ons use Local panel variables to operate (LVars). You might need to investigate those if you are trying to do something not directly supported by the add-on except by mouse.



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2 minutes ago, hrings said:

Is this then the reason in the Aerosoft Airbus that it is unable to make macro.

Probably, but I don't know directly because I don't have all add-on aircraft. In fact I only have the Prosim 738.

I'm sure a lot has been posted about dealing with Aerosoft Airbusses. Why not check places like the User Contributions subforum?



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