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2 questions if I may

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Hello All.

I apologise for having to ask these two questions.  Whether it's a pensioner fade or not I'm not sure but I should be able to recall, never mind.

1.  I have the registered version of FSUIPC.  I only bought it last year. I have the numbers written down.  Should I download and use the numbers you gave me last year or not?

2.  My computer from last year has packed a sad and I have lost my hard drive.  I have bought this new one which contains SSD.  I split the SSD in half.  C:\ is for rubbish and D:| is where I have FSX and other games.  Do I install FSUIPC into the D:\ drive? does it matter where  in the drive it's installed?

Again I apologise for having to ask two simple questions but unfortunately I cannot recall and I don't have anyone to ask.





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2 hours ago, zl2bmh said:

1.  I have the registered version of FSUIPC.  I only bought it last year. I have the numbers written down.  Should I download and use the numbers you gave me last year or not?

If you have te registration details, from SimMarket not me, then those are the registration details. You use them to register whenever you want to register. If you didn't want to use them you'd have to buy them again.

When registering you must enter all three parts EXACTLY as shown on the registration details - name (presumably not the strange "Zl2bmh"), email and key. No other spelling.

2 hours ago, zl2bmh said:

2.  My computer from last year has packed a sad and I have lost my hard drive.  I have bought this new one which contains SSD.  I split the SSD in half.  C:\ is for rubbish and D:| is where I have FSX and other games.  Do I install FSUIPC into the D:\ drive? does it matter where  in the drive it's installed?

You personally don't install it anywhere -- the Installer does the installing, which it does into FSX automatically for you. You can put the Installer itself anywhere you like. Once you have run it and registered it it is not used again unless you need to reinstall it or re-register.

Be sure to use the latest, which you can download from the www.schiratti.com/dowson page, or from here, in the Download Links subforum.



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