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2nd monitor for Tower 3D pro


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So , I've owned Tower 3D Pro since its release, but I haven't used its features to its best abilities, i.e. Speech and 2nd monitor.

I have decided, finally, to add a second monitor. My question is:-

How easy is it to set up and do I have to change any video/monitor settings within windows. And what are people's preferred set ups. Any help will be much appreciated.



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Very little needs to be changed.  After installing the new monitor, you will need to go to the display settings under your windows control panel, and select  "Screen Resolution."  IN this screen verify that the new monitor is showing up (if not, click the "Identify" button).  Then look down at the last option on the page "Multiple Displays" and select "Extend these displays" from the drop-down menu.  That's pretty much it.  Once you Load Tower3DPro, choose windowed mode and either stretch out the display so that it fills both monitors (my personal preference), or you can wait until you load your session, and move the individual radar and or strips to the second monitor while keeping the main 3D display on the other.

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