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Tower!3D Pro - KJFK Terminal_4 Arrival Issues


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I am finding a similar issue at KJFK that I found at KLAS - http://forum.simflight.com/topic/84609-tower3d-pro-klas-terminal_e-issues/

After digging into some XML I suspected KJFK Terminal_4 would have a similar issue where arriving airplanes aren't using some of the gates. What I found is that 8 gates in Terminal_4 would not accept arrivals thus causing no free terminal issues. The gates are T4_40, T4_41, T4_43, T4_44, T4_45, T4_46, T4_47, and T4_48. I've attached my log file from a session I built to clearly demonstrate the issue.  

What I am finding in the XML is that these gates are defined as direction="0" instead of direction = "1".  I'm not exactly sure what this means and don't know if it is intentional, but it keeps the gates from accepting arriving planes. Hopefully, the fix is as simple at it sounds. Definitely impacts KJFK and KLAS which I believe are both being worked on for an SP. IMHO, the fix for this issue needs to be included in the SP.



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